1. It has the old time cracking sounds to make it sound like a real classic - none of the auto tuning, and echo adding...but pure class.
2. You can play vinyl on a vinyl player, or an old school gramophone! A gramophone!
3. The dog from the HMV logo loves a gramophone.
See...the gramophone is clearly the best way of listening to music from this picture. Loud! so everyone around can hear it!
4. You can make a vinyl record into a clock - just stick some numbers on it, and a little mechanism and there you have it, a new clock.
5. Get loads of them, and make a piece of artwork.
6. DJs use them sometimes, and if they get the right action then makes a great addition to the track.
7. Makes a good frisbee.
8. Get three of them, and learn to juggle with them.
9.Practice your steering techniques to help you in your driving.
10. Would make a good mobile for a baby if you wanted them to be musical when they're older.
11. Tim McGraw opts for vinyl in his song, 'Back When'.
'I love my records. Black, shiny vinyl. Clicks and pops and white noise. Man, they sounded fine.'
12. Homer Simpson and his band have vinyl records.
13. They are mentioned in 'Allo 'Allo...
Herr Flick: I have an excellent gramophone and many old records of Hitler's speeches. They are quite amusing.
Helga: Hitler's speeches quite amusing?
Herr Flick: Played at double speed, he sounds like Donald Duck.
Helga: Hitler's speeches quite amusing?
Herr Flick: Played at double speed, he sounds like Donald Duck.
14. 'The Shawshank Redemption' - one of my favourite scenes.
15. Use them as coasters.
16. Might be useful as a handy plate.
17. It is large enough to use if it starts raining.
18. If you find yourself being attacked, it would be a handy weapon...you could use it like the bowler hat wearing bad guy from James Bond!
or, with thanks to Rael Mason....this from 'Shaun of the Dead'...
19. Would make some nice bling - could tie a chain around it and wear it as a medallion.
20. Have you ever tried balancing a vinyl record on your head? Try it.
21. You can have a collection of something that people would actually be interested in looking at.
22. Look at this dish!
23. Rebecca and Michael from 'Neighbours' bond over their love of vinyl records.
Can you see? Just between them is a corner of an LP record. True love.
24. Vinyl records are bigger than CDs. Therefore, would be better according to Top Trumps.
25. The is a Vinyl Record Day - which is on the 12th August. http://www.vinylrecordday.com/
26. They'd make great Pat Butcher earrings.
27. You could get a tattoo showing your love of them.
28. Beyonce and Cheryl Cole like the design of them
29. They are quite the fashion

30. This is what a vinyl record looks like x1000 magnified!
That's it - my brain is fried now with all this. 30 reasons why vinyl is great!
Stu hope you liked your request!
Cracking!!! I am currently in the spirit of things playing one of my absolute favorites, Tango in the night by Fleetwood Mac, awesome record!