Saturday, 29 January 2011

The King's Speech and the Oscars.

After many people telling me that I had to watch this film...and that it would be a total waste if I didn't. I gave in, and watched it.

I'd seen the trailer, and I wasn't *that* enthralled by it. The trailer itself: the music; the cinematography; the direction reminded me of one film, 'The Queen'. And I didn't like 'The Queen'...

But I sat and watched it - and loved the cast. Absolutely loved the cast. Usually I stay away from Colin Firth as the lead role because he plays the same character, and to be honest, he played the same character again...just with a stammer. No idea how he does it, it might just be his monotonous voice but thankfully Helena Bonham-Carter, Geoffrey Rush, Derek Jacobi and Guy Pearce were there to keep the standard of the film high. They're all very good, and with the exception of Derek Jacobi, the cast were able to step out of their usual roles into their respective roles. Helena BC usually opts to join her partner, Tim Burton, in his strange, sometimes gothic, dark films...and she can get into any role and do it very well and make the role her own. Derek Jacobi does these films all the time, but again, he's still very good. Geoffrey Rush went for the more subtle comedic role in this, and pulled it off perfectly, he has a great persona to carry it off...sometimes I did see a bit of Captain Barbossa in him when he was playing with his kids, but that added to the role, as he was only like that for that one part - it showed his diversity within one role. Brilliant. Guy Pearce is incredible, he was in Christopher Nolan's 'Memento' (watch it if you have time, and want to have your mind put to the test!) and he was also in a favourite of mine, 'The Count of Monte Cristo' as Fernand Mondego. He's great, and despite playing a character with quite a sinister undertone, more a seedy undertone - he does it well. I was a little upset that his sunken cheeks have now gone due to him getting older and putting on some weight...but it didn't take away from his performance.

Essentially, the film is about a guy losing his stammer. That is the premise of the can argue, but the whole film is about this problematic stammer. Somehow they managed to stretch it out to almost 2 hours. I love history, and always have - and I loved being able to link the film's characters to the history knowledge that I had already. I do this with many history films and get annoyed if it's selling itself as an accurate representation, and it blatantly isn't...but this film does well to keep its accuracy and not go off on some fictitious tangent.

As an avid film watcher, I like to think I know what elements of a film are needed to please the general public, and then what pleases the Oscars. I'll tell you right now...the Oscars LOVE films about real people, who overcome a struggle or a problem. And that is seen in the nominations within the best actor or best picture categories...guaranteed. it is.

Last year, 2009. Sandra Bullock won best actress for 'The Blind Side'. A real person who overcame everyone in order to adopt this black teenage boy.

In 2008, Angelina Jolie was nominated for best actress for her role in 'Changeling' - one which I think she deserved to have won but Kate Winslet finally won an Oscar. In the same year, 'Frost/Nixon' and 'Milk' were nominated for best picture...again, about real events. Sean Penn won best actor for his role as Harvey Milk, in 'Milk'.

In 2007, virtually unknown (at the time) Marion Cotillard won best actress for 'La Vie en Rose'

2006 gave nominations to 'Letters from Iwo Jima', and 'The Queen'. Helen Mirren won for her role as Queen Elizabeth, and Forest Whitaker won best actor for his performance as Idi Amin in 'The Last King of Scotland'.

What a shocking year 2005 was. Everyone thought 'Brokeback Mountain' would win...but 'Crash' was the surprise winner. Others nominations were 'Capote' and 'Munich'. This was my favourite year of the Academy Awards as Reese Witherspoon won for her role as June Carter in 'Walk the Line', Joaquin Phoenix was nominated too for his performance as Johnny Cash but was beaten by worthy winner, Philip Seymour Hoffman in 'Capote'.

Other notable mentions are Hilary Swank...who has two best actress awards to show for 'Million Dollar Baby' and 'Boys Don't Cry' - these are incredible films about real women. Charlize Theron for 'Monster'. Nicole Kidman for 'The Hours' and Julia Roberts for 'Erin Brockovich'. 'Million Dollar Baby' also won Best Picture in 2004, and 'A Beautiful Mind' in 2001.

This year, there are 10 films nominated for Best Picture, out of these 10. Three are real adaptations. '127 Hours', 'The King's Speech' and 'The Social Network'. Now, I'd love to see 'Inception' win...but I doubt it will. 'The King's Speech' has more of an Oscar feel to it than the others, but who knows, 'The Social Network' did win a surprise Best Picture at the Golden Globes. Who knows?

This year in the Best Actress category, there are no "real" I'll go with Natalie Portman in 'Black Swan' - she's won everything else. And in the Best Actor category, we have three nominations. Colin Firth, James Franco, and Jesse Eisenberg... Colin Firth has been around the Oscars longer, everyone knows him, he's well known in the Academy Awards side of the Hollywood industry...this is why it'll be unlikely if James Franco or Jesse Eisenberg win. Despite the fact that I thought '127 Hours' shows more of a physical struggle as Aaron Ralston actually has to cut his arm off to survive, than what 'The King's Speech' provides. But I really really hope Geoffrey Rush and Helena Bonham-Carter win for their performances. I think they will.

'The King's Speech' is good, but is way over hyped... I enjoyed it, but won't be buying it when it hits the shelves....sorry kids.

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Grilled Cheesus - Glee

Thought I'd make some comments on today's Glee episode, 'Grilled Cheesus'.

I'll set the scene for you. Finn (lead guy) makes a grilled sandwich, and it burns and makes the face of Jesus on the side of the sandwich. Finn is amazed that He has seen the face of God, and begins to pray and asks this sandwich for three things:

1. To win the first game of the season
2. To get to second base with his girlfriend
3. To become the quarterback

All these things happen.

He wants to praise Jesus in Glee club by singing songs, and celebrating Jesus. A few characters are all for it, the Catholic cheerleader, Quinn... spiritual Tina (I have no idea what denomination)...Jewish Rachel and Mercedes, a girl who attends a local black church (I have to describe it in this way, as the programme depicts it as the stereotypical black church - gospel choir, dancing around etc). Some are not against it, but would rather not sing spiritual songs, so Jewish ladies man who has bedded most of the girls at the school, Puck. And there is one character who is completely set against it, Kurt, who is the only openly gay person at his school.

Kurt's dad has a heart attack...which makes him even more set against the idea that there is a God. And Sue (the cheerleading coach) whose sister has Downs Syndrome, and does not believe that a loving God would have her sister made in this way.

And the show continues...

Kurt's opinion is that 'God is a Santa Claus for adults', and how you can''t prove there is a God. And he says that you can't prove that a weird alien thing that could live on the dark side of the moon who shoots lightning bolts out of his boobs...but it's pretty unrealistic. Yes, Kurt. You are right in thinking the weird alien thing is unrealistic. However, you can't deny that there is God by just looking for the thing itself - God is a supernatural being...we can't see Him but we can see His creation and God's fingerprints are in the wonderful creation in which we can say day after day after day.

He continues to say that the church do not look too kindly on 'gays, and women, and science'. Another misconception. As Christians we want to serve God, and live by Jesus' example by being loving to everyone and hating the sin, loving the sinner. So the church not looking too kindly on gay people isn't true, the Bible speaks of homosexual relationships being unnatural...but this isn't a rule to spoil the fun for those who want a relationship with the same sex, but it's for our wellbeing. God *protects* us by saying these things as well as providing humans with the ultimate pleasure...keeping sex within marriage is the height of pleasure, and is the best when between a married man and a woman. STDs would not have spread so amazingly fast if sex was kept within marriage and you keep your sex life with that one person...this is a clear sign that God is trying to protect us and provide us with this gift of sex...and it's up to us to decide whether or not we go along with it. And the thing about women and science is untrue too...yes, women are different - we are made differently to men, and it is not just a matter of different body parts. Women are wired differently, and can cope with different situations better than that of a man. But a man can cope differently than a woman can...this is not a bad thing that we are wired differently because we're all equal! And Christians believe science...where would we be without it? Science, without going into much detail, is helpful...but it is constantly changing with the times...God never changes.

Sue explains that when she was little, she prayed really really hard that God would cure her sister of Downs. And she concluded that it wasn't that she wasn't praying hard enough, but because no one was listening. If you pray, God always listens, and always answers...Yes, No, or Not Yet. We have to be praying for God's will to come, and if it is in His will happen. God can do the impossible - He created everything from speaking...nothing is impossible with Him. However, God works within the realms of reality for us...He defied reality and logic when Jesus performed miracles and ultimately died and rose again! Jesus didn't die, rise again and die again...but he rose again and is still alive in Heaven! We have been given the Bible, which is the word of God. Nature and reality were bent as Jesus performed miracles before people's very eyes, and yet they still did not believe - it would be the same today...therefore, God can cure people and has done...but does not perform signs for people who want them, as if He did, people would still reject Him as they always have.

She goes onto say that it is not very Christian or very nice to tell good, honest, open hearted people that they're going to Hell. This is under the view that we're all worthy enough to be let into Heaven...not the view that we're being given the chance of being rescued as none of us are worthy enough to be saved. Every single one of us has told a lie, guaranteed...every single one of us has had hateful, lustful, envious, proud thoughts - and one blemish makes imperfect. We are all born sinners, and we have a heart default to reject God and to be sinful. Doing these good works, being a nice person, would be giving the impression that doing good things can earn our way into Heaven...but we're sinful...and we have to be held accountable, and the punishment for rejecting God and rebelling against Him is death. God will judge everybody, He is a just God and will hold everyone to account for their sins. But God is also a loving God, and sent His only Son to Earth to live as a man, who committed no sin...and was the perfect atoning sacrifice. Only a perfect sacrifice could be used to pay for us, and Jesus paid our price on the cross. He took our sins, and took them on his shoulders. He paid the ultimate price and died, but he rose again three days later defeating death. And we have this amazing chance to come to Him, who has authority over everything...even death!! He offers us new life, freely...and everyone can come to Him...and we don't have to earn our way into Heaven as Jesus has restored our relationship with God...we can't do anything to earn or buy our way into Heaven as we're still sinful people - but saved by the grace of God!

It was interesting for Emma, the guidance counsellor to step in and to almost set things straight...not using the gospel, unfortunately, but certainly giving people things to think about. She tells Finn that it wasn't God who made his team win their game, it wasn't God who allowed him to touch his girlfriend's boobs but that it was his girlfriend, and that it was the brute of a footballer who dislocated the original quarterback's shoulder, which resulted in the giving the position to Finn. She says that God works in mysterious ways, in ways that we cannot imagine -and this is true...but that God does not just give us everything we ask for. This is true - God has a sovereign plan, which is the best plan for us all - and we have to pray that His will would be done. We may bring our requests to God, but again, He'll answer us yes, no or not yet - and if it is in His plan, it will happen. She tells Finn that these big questions are big because they're hard - and yes they are - and that everyone has to deal with them. Very true.

Finally, Sue meets up with her sister and tells her why she doesn't believe in God. Her reason is that as a girl she saw her sister as perfect, and that she grew up watching the world be cruel to her. This is not an indicator of God being absent, but that sin is very much present. Downs is a mutation of the genes, and the cruelty of people is the sin in people's hearts. Her sister comes back with one sentence, 'God never makes mistakes.' - this was very profound for Glee. God never makes mistakes, and you are perfect to matter what you look like. I heard a similar experience when my sister and I were discussing this topic a few years ago, my sister was born with a cleft lip and palate, and despite this, she is still perfect in God's eyes. And, this part in Glee really struck me as it reminded me of that conversation with my sister, and reminded me that we are perfect in God's eyes no matter how we look, or what conditions we one day, we will have perfect Heavenly bodies without blemish. And Sue's sister just ends the scene asking Sue if she would like praying for, and Sue humbly accepts. It's just a wonderful scene.

Oh, and the final final song of it is called, 'If God Was One of Us'. Here's the first verse and pre chorus...

If God had a name, what would it be
And would you call it to his face
If you were faced with him in all his glory
What would you ask if you had just one question

And yeah yeah God is great yeah yeah God is good
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

What questions, hey? If God were in the room with us physically, would we say a prayer to Him or would we talk to Him?

Anyway, these are my thoughts on today's Glee. Despite the 'Oh no, how is this going to play out' ended up being quite a thought provoking episode. If you want to have a conversation with a non-Christian friend who watches this episode, it's a pretty good conversation starter!

Friday, 7 January 2011

30 Reasons Why Vinyl is Great

Ok, considering I barely know anything about the technology behind vinyl or anything apart from what it looks like...I have been challenged to, therefore I shall come up with my own reasons why vinyl is awesome.

1. It has the old time cracking sounds to make it sound like a real classic - none of the auto tuning, and echo adding...but pure class.

2. You can play vinyl on a vinyl player, or an old school gramophone! A gramophone!

3. The dog from the HMV logo loves a gramophone.


See...the gramophone is clearly the best way of listening to music from this picture. Loud! so everyone around can hear it!

4. You can make a vinyl record into a clock - just stick some numbers on it, and a little mechanism and there you have it, a new clock.

5. Get loads of them, and make a piece of artwork.


6. DJs use them sometimes, and if they get the right action then makes a great addition to the track.

7. Makes a good frisbee.
8. Get three of them, and learn to juggle with them.
9.Practice your steering techniques to help you in your driving.
10. Would make a good mobile for a baby if you wanted them to be musical when they're older.
11. Tim McGraw opts for vinyl in his song, 'Back When'.

'I love my records. Black, shiny vinyl. Clicks and pops and white noise. Man, they sounded fine.'

12. Homer Simpson and his band have vinyl records.
13. They are mentioned in 'Allo 'Allo...

Herr Flick: I have an excellent gramophone and many old records of Hitler's speeches. They are quite amusing.
Helga: Hitler's speeches quite amusing?
Herr Flick: Played at double speed, he sounds like Donald Duck.

14. 'The Shawshank Redemption' - one of my favourite scenes.

15. Use them as coasters.
16. Might be useful as a handy plate.
17. It is large enough to use if it starts raining.
18. If you find yourself being attacked, it would be a handy could use it like the bowler hat wearing bad guy from James Bond!

or, with thanks to Rael Mason....this from 'Shaun of the Dead'...

19. Would make some nice bling - could tie a chain around it and wear it as a medallion.
20. Have you ever tried balancing a vinyl record on your head? Try it.
21. You can have a collection of something that people would actually be interested in looking at.
22. Look at this dish!

23. Rebecca and Michael from 'Neighbours' bond over their love of vinyl records.

Can you see? Just between them is a corner of an LP record. True love.

24. Vinyl records are bigger than CDs. Therefore, would be better according to Top Trumps.
25. The is a Vinyl Record Day - which is on the 12th August.
26. They'd make great Pat Butcher earrings.
27. You could get a tattoo showing your love of them.

28. Beyonce and Cheryl Cole like the design of them

29. They are quite the fashion

30. This is what a vinyl record looks like x1000 magnified!

That's it - my brain is fried now with all this. 30 reasons why vinyl is great!

Stu hope you liked your request!