Wow, what a long wait it's been.
It's been an incredible 2009 in many ways, and if 2009 is anything to judge by, then we're going to have a great 2010. Maybe it's just me. I've been blessed with regards to where I'm living term time. I love my friends, my church, my course - and I can't be more thankful to God for them!
However, I'm now back home and had some real good thoughts! It was my church's carol service tonight, and it's great to be reminded of Jesus' birth - our Saviour. We sing these carols, but often sing it with a drone...like we have *got* to sing these songs, but surely we should read the words and think that we *get* to sing these songs!
'Sing, choirs of angels,
Sing in exultation,
Sing, all ye citizens of heaven above!
Glory to God
In the highest:
Oh, come, let us adore him,
Oh, come, let us adore him,
Oh, come, let us adore him,
Christ the Lord.'
Let us adore him!! We should be singing this with pride in our Maker and Redeemer - not just complain because the musical accompaniment just isn't up to scratch compared to last year's carol service.
And the song 'Hark the Herald Angels Sing' - please read it properly the next time you sing it. It's wonderful.
'Born that man no more may die
Born to raise the sons of earth
Born to give them second birth'
This is the reason Jesus was born - for us. We are the ones who can have eternal life, we can be raised to be seated with Christ and have that second birth!
Another thing I was doing today was watching 'The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe' with Andrew and Cathy. It's remarkable how many parallels can be made between the story and Jesus' life and character.
The main point I shall raise is about Aslan. Aslan shows true emotion - anger, fear, sadness, joy, happiness...all of which Jesus experienced. Jesus was no robotic emotionless man...he was a real man with real feelings, just the same as the ones we experience from day to day.
Aslan laid down his life for Edmund - and was humilated - he had his mane cut off (his dignity), he was tied up, and all sorts of demons surrounded him when he was killed by the White Witch (the one who thought she was in charge).
Jesus laid down his life for us. He was humilated - he had his dignity stripped from him by being beaten, flogged and had his beard pulled out, and not only was he surrounded by the Roman soldiers, family, friends and citizens, but Jesus was also surrounded by demons when he was crucified by the the people (the ones who think are in charge of their own lives).
See the similarity? and that is just one scene from the film. Jesus was born and died for us - so that we could have a perfect relationship with God.
After Aslan dies, he is resurrected - he defeats death. He explains to Lucy and Susan...
' If the Witch knew the true meaning of sacrifice, she might have interpreted the deep magic differently. That when a willing victim who has committed no treachery, is killed in a traitor's stead, the stone table will crack, and even death itself would turn backwards.'
and after the battle is won at the end, Aslan says...
'It is finished.'
Andrew and I looked at each other when he said this as we both knew that it was exactly what Jesus had said.
'When he had received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished." With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.' John 19:30
Jesus sacrificed himself, he is the lamb to the slaughter...and he was innocent, was perfect - and took our sins, and died in our place. But, Jesus conquered death - for death couldn't hold him! Aslan is resurrected, and he shows he is in control by roaring loudly. Jesus beat death, he was in control of everything - even during his execution - he is the lion!
Let us adore him...for his birth and life led to our restored relationship with God...let us adore him tomorrow with hearts and minds in complete and utter thankfulness for he is so worthy of praise!
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