Our bright hope, Josh...whoever...wasn't very good last night. We lost. It's embarrassing how we can lose to such Eurotrash. Now, I loved the Belgian entry and had a soft spot for the Romanian entry - this came in 6th and 3rd place, respectfully.
The UK have won 5 times at Eurovision...I often have to wonder *how*. Were we so much better back then? With Buck's Fizz - yes!! With Cliff Richard - no. So, it's debatable.
Is Eurovision political?
Is the Pope Catholic???
Yes, highly! No one likes the UK since we're being so uncooperative with the rest of Europe...if we changed to the Euro and pull out of Afghanistan...I reckon we'd get a lot more points. I like the Pound Sterling though - so I'm perfectly happy to lose if we get to keep it!! And also, keeping something so iconical is brilliant...and I like changing currencies going to different countries...having the Euro here would make going to the EU boring as in that respect.
You may ask, if the UK are always losing Eurovision and everybody hates us...why are we still in the competition? Simple answer...we pour money into it - they need our input in order to run! Therefore, we automatically qualify. They hate us, but love our money.
Ok Ok...I'm going to leave the political and economical climate right now and go with...
Graham Norton...
Now, I like Graham Norton...but love Terry Wogan. He's so funny...and Graham tried, and was funny...but he just doesn't have the edge that Terry had! And why did Terry leave? Because Eurovision was too political! The EU has managed to be ridiculous for decades...and to be honest, I think they were jealous of us watching Eurovision and laughing at the acts with Terry...and not caring whether we lost...so, now they've indirectly removed Terry...are you happy now Europe?
Don't get me wrong. I LOVE Europe...I do. But this event is just very close to my heart (or a recent event anyway)...and the politics does not do Europe justice. It's beautiful, but the political hypocrisy is just shameful.
Onto next year anyway, for more fun and games. Will we beat 10 points? Or do worse? Predictions here! I think we'll beat it next year, but not by much. Any thoughts?