Thursday, 30 December 2010

Updated Bucket List

Well, a while back I decided to do my list of things to do before I turn 30...and I thought I'd let you know how I was getting on with it all. To be honest, I'd forgotten the things I'd written and looking back over the points I had made, made me feel that I have made progress!

My list was....

- witness snow on Christmas day
- learn to play an interesting instrument (not just your run of the mill mainstream ones!)
- work in Romania
- pass my degree
- buy a replica sword from The Lord of the Rings
- climb Ben Nevis
- take a shower under a waterfall

First and foremost...there WAS snow on Christmas Day 2010. Yes, this has JUST happened!

Secondly, learn to play an interesting instrument. For Christmas this year, I got under the tree a UKULELE - which I have never played before ever...but have been playing and learning the chords and would consider myself to have completed the basics of the ukulele. Therefore...this has been done! Yes

Third, working in Romania...hmm. This was when I had the idea of learning the language, and being able to work with churches over there. Well, I am very very very bad at learning this development will not happen unless I can magically learn how to roll my 'R's - I cannot do it. No matter how hard I tongue will not roll. I think it's the same as some people can curl their tongue, others can't...I can curl my tongue...but cannot make it roll to be fluent in this eastern European language.

Fourth! My degree is coming on nicely - I have a little under half a year left before I can successfully say I have finished - then have to wait a bit longer to find out if I have a degree, then a little bit longer to wear a funny hat and cloak and receive a tube, and have an awkward picture taken to go up on the wall... I'm stoked!

Fifth...I think I might take this one out. I can't be bothered. Plus, on the other side, I have bought myself a BB gun which reminds me of one in 'Mr and Mrs Smith'. I'll change it to mean, have something that resembles a piece of film memorabilia. Completed!

Siiiiiiiixth. Climb Ben Nevis. Still want to do this! Just need to find the companions, and the time to do it. Then I'm up there in a flash!

Seventh. Have a shower under a waterfall - ok, can't say I've done this...unless you count getting tripped on in a random Romanian cave we explored...without helmets, without harnesses, without torches...what is health and safety anyway? Who cares? I had fun climbing up a rope tied to a small tree at the top of the cave, and having to climb my way up and if I let go, would plunge to my death. It was so much fun! I'll make a new one: to have fun in a dark, wet, Romanian pit cave - done!

Right, well that's my list updated for you so far...and ones to do for next time are:

- Get my driving licence
- Come up with a decent chant to use at a sports game
- Finish some of the books I'm reading.

These sound a bit like New Year's Resolutions -but they're not. I have a whole 10 years to complete these...bring it on!!!

Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Response to...

Read this...

It has been said that girls find solace in watching rom coms, and getting the mentality that that same storyline could happen in her life - despite the outlandishness of the story. For example, 'PS I Love You', and 'The Notebook'. The female leads in these films meet a man on a walk in Ireland, and one at a fairground, and they both have whirlwind romances -- these scenarios are so easy to fall for, as yes, it could happen, and yes it has happened...but having that dream scenario in your head and thinking that is the "norm" and this is what you want your life to become is not a thought we should have. We need to recognise what our life is...and recognise that God has a plan for us. Putting our hope and trust in the media to calm our fear about singleness is not a good way to go...we need to put our hope and trust in God and remember that he knows what is best for us!

Glee. I am a fan of the show and do stand up for wrongful criticisms. Therefore, I do need to make this point before continuing. The opinion of the article's author gives you the idea that the writers of the show are alright to be utterly and completely immoral. The writers, in my opinion, don't want you to feel that everyone should cheat on each other...but want the characters to come clean with each other. It shows how lying just leads you down a path of horrible consequences...this I think, should be encouraged in our generation. No cheating actually happens in the relationships he mentions...the main male lead is tempted (which I think the author was referring to and turned off at this point) but instead, he resists the female lead and tells his girlfriend about it later....he comes clean, he doesn't fall to temptation, as he wants his relationship with his girlfriend to work. You want them to work it out, you want everyone to come clean and stay together in their relationship. This is something that the media should be encouraged to do - especially with the demographic that this show appeals to.

The article goes onto mention about 'The Notebook' and 'A Walk to Remember'. These films are famous stumbling blocks to Christian women across the world. For single females, these films shout 'IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU!'...and for those in a relationship shout, 'WHY DIDN'T THIS HAPPEN TO ME?!' They provide unrealistic scenarios set in realistic times...which provide women with an idea. This idea grows and develops...this idea takes our eyes away from the happiness that we have in Christ and tells us...that this relationship, this what we need to be completely happy. Have we not already been given treasures in abundance from God? In Matthew 7:11 it reads,

'If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!'

We have received so much from God, for one, we have received his Spirit. His Spirit lives in us! And he will provide for us...he knows what is best for us, and will give us whatever we need if it is line with his plan. Romans 8:32 reads...

'He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?'

God gave up his Son for that we, each and every one of us, would be forgiven. And despite this, we feel that having our own idea of a sacrificial and loving relationship is better. In 'A Walk to Remember', the male lead sacrifices his 'The Notebook', he sacrifices his relationship. The emotions that occur in these films makes us want that same love...which may not be prevalent in our minds at the time of watching...but it does form a part of your subconscious and each film you watch, build up this idea of love that heightens our expectations of men and relationships in general. We expect this perfect relationship to come from men...when we know (deep down) that they cannot provide the perfection we want - we are all sinners, and we all have our flaws. There is only one place that we can find this true love and perfect relationship, and this is in Jesus.

The article provides a spot on application...

'Next time you’re thinking about seeing a movie, be aware of what’s pulling you toward it. If you decide to watch it, recognize the moment when you feel the emotional reinforcement of fake love. And when you walk out, recognize what you now hope for and expect.

There is such a thing as love. There are beautiful moments. But love is about life. And life is about the long haul.'

An application would be to think - why am I watching this movie? It is tough to apply this, and it is very difficult to avoid as the media is so prevalent in our society. I have to hasten to add that watching rom coms is not a bad thing... (some people may say different depending on their genre preference!), but understanding that we need to have a correct view on relationships...that love can happen, that relationships have difficulties amongst the good times, but that the only perfect love exists in our relationship with Jesus.

Tom Cruise tells Renee Zellweger in Jerry Maguire that 'You complete me' - good quote, Tom...but we should really be saying that to God. He completes us...he provides everything we need...he provides all the love we could ever want...he loves us more than anyone could ever love us...he cares for us more than any friend...and he has already made the ultimate sacrifice for us. This is the love we need to remember.

Monday, 11 October 2010

Who Am I?

I haven't written a blog post in a while...and now I have internet and I'm back. BUT, wanting to write a more meaningful post.

After listening to Casting Crown's 'Who Am I' - it made me think. Who am I? Why am I in Preston? Why am I so different to how I was 10 years ago? I know why...and I thought I'd share.

This is why....

I was born back in June 1990 to Christian parents. I had an older sister and an older brother, and was taken to church every Sunday. I grew up with the Bible stories, and assumed because my parents were Christians and I went to church and knew all the answers in Sunday school - I was too. How I was mistaken. When I was about 4-5 years old, I remember watching my sister at the front of church, giving her testimony, and being baptised. And I realised that being a Christian meant a whole lot more than getting a 'Parents pay, children go free' pass. It was an individual choice.

Years went by and I would have my ups and downs. I would have moments where I'd ask my parents how to become a Christian, and what it meant, and others where I'd struggle with it.

One easter in 2004, I went to a conference in Pwllheli, and at one of the meetings, I was told that Jesus died for our sins, my sins - and that when God looks at us, he sees us as alive and sees Jesus, or dead as ourselves. I didn't want to be dead, I wanted Jesus to come into my heart and change me. I didn't like my life of rebelling against God. I didn't like knowing I was upsetting him. I didn't like knowing God saw me as dead, despite the fact that Jesus had died for me. I gave my life to Jesus as soon as I returned home.

However, it seemed knowing God had suddenly restricted my freedom, and stopped me from having fun. Not being able to go to friends' parties on a Sunday afternoon, I had to reject playing in adult county badminton competitions because they played on Sundays. This annoyed me. High school did not help me feel any better...everyone knew me as the token Christian. I was bullied...for this, and for other things. Bullied from year 7 to year 11 by the same people. And I always wondered why God would do these things to me. I backslid. I got angry, I refused to go to any evening services, and I wanted to do things my own way. Then we changed church, and again, I was wondering why God would do such a thing...I had friends at my home church, and I knew no one at this new one which was 30 minutes drive away.

Two years later, I had been involved with the new church as little as possible. I refused to go to evening services still and had refused any offers of meeting new people at the youth club. Until the church week away came about. My parents had booked us up, and I was being thrust into hanging out with these people for a whole week! After the week, I was talking to more people, making friends, having fun. When we got home, my brother had told me that the youth club was going away on their week away so I phoned up the leader and asked if I could come, and the answer was yes. I spent another week hanging out with my friends, and there, I spent more time learning about the Bible and having that relationship with God. I remembered that I had given my life to Jesus, and that he hadn't moved...I had.

I spent the next two years going along to the evening services, and to the youth club. I loved socialising there, but I also loved learning more about my God. These two years also had the exodus of the school bullies, leaving me with some of the best friends ever in the two years of 6th form. I still hadn't told my parents about me becoming a Christian and that I was loving it - even 4 years on. My youth leader and I had conversations about this, I wanted to be baptised, but I had to tell my parents! But I was nervous about them making a huge deal out of it! I prayed for the opportune moment. Then came uni open days. My dad drove me up to Preston, and we looked around, saw a little display of the CU, and saw some church leaflets - and I loved the uni and city. As we were returning home, my dad asked me where I was church wise. I knew this was that opportune moment. I told dad everything. I cried...I was so happy that he knew. I told my mum when I got back - and they took it well! They had told me they had noticed differences in my character, such as not being so angry, being more laid back, thinking of others, just generally being nicer to hang out with. This wasn't me...this was Jesus in me. I'm a sinner saved by grace, and I was so happy. My parents I had to pluck the courage to tell my pastor. Three months later, I prayed for the opportune moment again so when he was on his own, and I look around just after my prayer and what did I see? Yes, my pastor on his own. I got up and told him. Suddenly there was a date, time and I was finally publicly displaying my relationship with God.

This was in May 2008. I moved to uni soon after - and since then God has been so gracious to me by providing me with amazing friends, an amazing church and an amazing CU, and a pretty good course! Since being bullied, I have found it so difficult to meet new people...but somehow I was able to abandon those restrictions and meet people - and I'm glad I did. The church has provided me with amazing teaching, which has been making me grow and grow deeper in my relationship with God. The Bible studies have been great, and being able to link the Old Testament to the New, and being able to see that the Old Testament points to Jesus! It's all about Jesus, and everything I do is for his glory. I struggle with this often...I wake up and think of myself, I go to sleep and think of myself...and everything in between, I think of myself. Thankfully, in His great mercy - when God sees me, he sees His son, Jesus...the perfect, spotless, sinless heir. My sins have been taken by Jesus...and they have been paid for. Jesus bore the wrath of God for those sins, and he still loves me. More than my parents could ever. In church this evening, the Bible speaks of how sinners can provide good gifts for their children - but what about God?? He loves us so much more, and can give us so much more. He gives us his Spirit, he lives in us! This was a great reminder of how gracious God is. He is a just God, and he loves me so much. And I will continue to live and speak for Him.

Looking back I can see why God had planned the change in church. My new church led me back to Him with a new found passion and vigour. I can see why God made Preston look so great...being involved with CU and All Saints had led me into a deeper relationship with my Father. And I can see how different I was before I was a Christian...and it's not my own doing, it's the result of Jesus coming into my life and transforming repentance and turning away from the sinful life I had been living. And being involved in these two new churches has helped me stay on this path.

Please pray for me to be reminded of this day by day. Today might be the day Jesus returns.

Thursday, 2 September 2010

The Very Moment You Hear A Song and It Triggers A Memory

Not sure why I went for the "Capitalise The Beginning Of Every Word" in the title...hope you enjoyed it, nonetheless.

I was at work today, and whilst at work I am frequently thinking to myself about things. One of these things was where my mum has hidden my meerkat. But the second happened when I overheard on the radio, 'When September Ends' by Greenday. At the time of release, it was pretty popular - I liked it...until that fateful week.

WORK EXPERIENCE... a local kennels. They too had a radio system around the whole place. So, as I was painstakingly cleaning poo out of kennels, avoiding being bitten by big dogs, and cleaning out the drains...all I remember coming out of those loudspeakers was that song. Every day. Came on about 4 times a day. Now, every time I hear it, my mind is cast back to that's completely ruined the song for me...I can't listen to it without thinking of the suffocating smell of urine and dog faeces. Shame.

On the other hand....

I went to Romania this year...and the two songs that shaped the trip were...

'Eenie Meenie" by Justin Bieber ft Sean Kingston
'Rudeboy' by Rihanna

When I first heard these songs...I wasn't a fan. They're lyrically, musically and morally not great (the latter for the..... latter?). Then I went to Romania...

One of my friends brought a laptop to camp with all her songs on it...there were also speakers available. And the song that was played most? J-Biebz. Now, I like Justin...I do. But I wasn't a huge fan of this particular song. However, I heard it so many times in Romania...and the camp was so much fun...that now the song triggers a happy I listen to the song more because I like that memory.

Secondly, 'Rudeboy' by Rihanna. A strange choice, you might say? It wasn't played in camp, with children present. It was on a compilation CD from our minibus driver who couldn't understand English. He had some *interesting* song choices on there, filled with expletives, and sexual promiscuities. 'Rudeboy' came on, and the boys found it particularly funny so asked the driver (via our Romanian friend) to repeat it...again and again. After a while, everyone was loving the 6 hour minibus journey to Budapest, and dancing to the song. I love the song right now, because of the memory it triggers.

Do you have any songs that immediately trigger a memory? I'm gonna go and play my iTunes...Rihanna....where are you?

Monday, 30 August 2010


Beards are strange creations, aren't they? Some men can pull them off superbly, others can't. Some men need them to look older than a teenager, others don't. Some men grow them because their loved ones likes it, others wouldn't even dare.
This is the same with celebrities as with non-celebrities.

For instance,
Gerard Butler can pull off a beard (just not that ridiculous pointed one from '300')
He doesn't need it to look older.He looks better though with stubble.
Just type his name in google and look for yourself...he can suit anything...apart from,

(Sorry Gerry...but a pointy beard?)

Brad Pitt cannot pull of a beard.
He doesn't need it to look older, he looks about 60 when he has one.
He looks better without any facial hair.

Brad cannot pull off this look.
But he can pull off short beards, stubble, clean shaven, even goatees (as long as they are short.)

Joaquin Phoenix cannot pull of a all.It's not a good look, at all.
He also looks better without any facial hair.

(Yes to Joaquin here.................................................just not here. Just stick to the clean shaven look.)

My celebrity winner?

Who can sport every type of beard or just not have one and still look good?


He looks good without one....

He looks good with stubble...

and he suits...well, everything else!

(Above in Australia...a more natural beard. But flattering to his face shape)

(And in Wolverine...a shaped beard, not commonly worn by many. But yet, he can pull it off.)

Hugh isn't the only guy who can do this:

Notable mentions:

Ryan Gosling
Ryan Reynolds
Jake Gyllenhaal
Gerard Butler (give him credit, no one can pull off a pointy beard)

Stick to clean mentions:

Matt Damon
Tobey Maguire
Daniel Radcliffe
George Clooney (slight stubble only is allowed...just no longer!)

To conclude?

I prefer stubble. Stubble is easier to pull off - and if kept well, can make a guy look appropriately aged. Not too young, but not too old. Loads of celebs can pull this off - they are clearly on the same wavelength as me. For the record, this is my opinion. Some people love big bushy beards...but they're just not my thing particularly.

I'm done now.

Friday, 20 August 2010

Personal Space

I was thinking about this at work the other day. I was in the coffee break area observing the other workers, just looking at how close they were sat next to each other. You can see whether the two people:

a. Know of each other
b. Have spoken a couple of times, and know their names, but nothing more.
c. Are strangers to each other
d. Are friends (and this section could be sub-divided further...but that's too much hassle!)

You can tell by how much space there is between them.

Imagine - a bench, with one guy sat there.

Another guy comes over...where does he sit? On the complete other side of the bench. They're strangers - they don't know each other, they don't have any need to talk to each other.

A second guy comes over...where does he sit? About 3-4 feet away, not on the other side of the bench, but not right next to the person. Clearly, they know of each other - they may recognise each other facially...but not sitting close enough for any conversation to begin.

A third guy comes over...where does he sit? The bench is getting a little bit more crowded now, but still enough room to decide. He sits about 2 feet away. They know each other's names, they might be on the same team, they may have had the odd conversation here or there - not at length, but they do know each others basics pretty well.

The last guy turns up, and the bench is quite full. If he falls in sections A or B...he will not take up that space next to the original man. He will begin a new bench. If he falls in sections C or D, then he will fill it. If in section C, he will awkwardly walk over to the gap and sit there...and thinks to himself that he is clearly breaching the original person's personal space...but thankfully, they do know each other, so it's ok. If he's in section D, no problem - he can sit next to his friend without a care in the world. He sits next to his friend, he doesn't care who is sat on his other side, nor should he. He's not feeling awkward. Then the original man gets up to go back to work, and immediately the last man feels very awkward. They are both strangers to each other, and yet sitting as close to each other as good friends would be. One of them will get cover up to getting up, they'll go and get another drink or pick up the paper, and stay.

It's quite funny to watch. Next time you see a bench...see the awkwardness. But it doesn't work on undergrounds, because they have dividers between the seats. This doesn't count. The bench must be a normal, non divided, bench. Enjoy observing!

Monday, 16 August 2010

Mystery Bloggers

I love getting replies to my blogs, it gives me a brief ego-boost and my little heart leaps a little as my mind says "Yes! Someone appreciates my blogs!".

Then I click on read comments, or words to that effect...and I find this strange comment written in, I can only guess, Chinese. No translation. I'm always fairly confused by them. Who are these people who are, hopefully, reading my blog? Why would they comment in their mother tongue when clearly they can see I am only fluent in English. I have made no claims to have gone to China, have Chinese relatives or speak the faintest bit of Chinese. I have made claims that I enjoy playing Perudo, which originated in where are all the Peruvians not commenting on my blog, hey? Or the Romanians? I understand a very very minimal amount of Romanian...which is more I can say for Chinese.

Sometimes I'll receive a translation with my message, but the messages tend to be more like what I'd find in a fortune cookie. It's a free fortune cookie...although, they have no relevance to anything.

If you can explain the origins of these mystery bloggers, please let me know.

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Romania 2010

Romania 2009 came and went so fast...10 days. Vvrrooooooommmm. Drive by - just like that.

The year between camp last year and camp this year has been long...but this time next week, I shall be in Romania for 14 DAYS. Can't wait!

After I get back, I shall blog about it...and I'll have much more to say! Right now, I can say that the dramas are almost nearly done, songs have been decided, crafts are coming along well...and please pray that the final preps come together quickly and stress-free.

I am looking forward to SO much...seriously, I can barely contain myself. I may seem calm on this blog...but trust me, I am buzzing! Oh maybe not, that's just my phone vibrating. Well, I'm not buzzing...but I am really really really excited about going!! Woooo!

6 day countdown starts.... now.

Short and Sweet

'The Phantom of the Opera' is an incredible film.


Sunday, 18 July 2010

The Shortness of Life

Watching films late at night always make me draw poignant thoughts, hence the reasoning of this post compared to my last few.

As I work until midnight Monday to Friday, I only have the weekend evenings to watch films. And tonight has been quite an interesting night.

Coyote Ugly:
no real touching stuff in this for me to talk about. But did start my TV film watching.

Walk the Line:
we learn that it's about Johnny Cash. He's waiting in the workshop at Folsom Prison waiting to come on stage. He's sat looking intently at this circular saw. Why? We go back to a flashback, and see a young Johnny and his older brother Jack. Jack is 14, Johnny must be around 11/12ish. They are best friends, and Jack always has Johnny's back. Jack is a Christian, wanting to become a preacher when he's older, and wants to please his family. Jack agrees to go down to the saw mill to cut some wood, and agrees to Johnny that he'll go fishing afterwards. At the saw mill, Johnny gets bored and Jack tells him to go fishing without him. Johnny leaves and goes fishing, and when he walks home, his father drives by quickly and picks him up, 'Where you been??' Johnny returns home to find his older brother, Jack, on his bed close to the brink of dying - he had a horrific accident on the saw. Jack is pale, his torso wrapped in bloody bandages, and asking if Johnny can hear the angels. Jack passes away moments later. How short can life be? Jack had a huge life in front of him, wanting to glorify and serve God. Yet he died. We'll ask why, but Jack's death caused Johnny so much grief, that he managed to get caught up in drugs, sex, and a lifestyle that nearly caused him his own death. From this, his friend, June Carter, also a Christian, helped him through his drug addiction. Johnny recovered and became a Christian himself. In the grand scheme of things, Jack's death was significant in Johnny's life. I cannot say for sure because I have no idea about God's plan, but certainly seemed like God was there in Johnny's life - God reaching out his hand, and eventually, Johnny finding it.

Current film, Ladder 49:
This film does not have a Christian message in it. But, certainly shows the fragility of life. The film follows Jack Morrison (following a theme here), a Baltimore firefighter. Over the course of the film, we follow his personal life along with his worklife. We see his love life going from meeting a girl in a supermarket, to dating, to marrying her, to having their first baby, to having two children...and in his workplace, we see his first day at the firehouse, his first fire, his best friend dying, his first injury, his friend badly burnt. These men risk their lives to save strangers, and die for us, and we barely pay them the blindest bit of notice. This film really shows you what they go through day to day - the sacrifices they make. We should seek to be thanking these men and women for their services, and thinking, do we have our lives sorted? Lives are fragile. Life is short, do we know what's coming next? Are we prepared? Think, and pray over this - it's the most important decision we'll ever make.

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Pop Music - aka "Popular Music"

My first single? - 'Ooh Aah Just a Little Bit' by Gina G

My first concert? - Steps.

My first album? - Steps.

Favourite Friday evening programme? - Top of the Pops

Ok, from this, you can probably tell that I've grown up with pop music.

So between being born up until around 2001...I was very much into pop music - I always checked the charts, and knew the dances that were essential to gain you respect at the school disco.

Then, December 2001 came around. I was so excited. My mum and I had tickets to see my favourite band 'Steps'...the Gold tour (all the best hits!). We had a great time! Then on Christmas Day, I was so happy to find the Steps Gold CD inside some wrapping paper. I was on Cloud Nine.

Then horror struck on Boxing Day. I was sat on the sofa...pretty stoked about my Christmas. My mum came down, and she came over to me and said 'I have some bad news...' - immediately I could sense what it was (I'm 11 years old, what else was it going to be), Steps had announced their split.

From that moment on...I continued to listen to Steps in the hope they would reunite - in the hope that is was only a misunderstanding. I stopped watching the charts - Steps weren't on there - what was the point? And decided no other pop music could ever be as great as Steps.

Then in 2004, I discovered country music. Tim McGraw to be specific.

I got his CD for my birthday, and began to get into some more country artists. LeAnn Rimes, Brad Paisley, Josh Turner, Keith Urban, Carrie Underwood.

I still love country music - still at the top of my most liked genres. But now, pop music is making a comeback into my iTunes. I never could think it was possible. KeSha, Katy Perry, and Miley Cyrus have recently made it in. I think this change has been because of 'Glee' - it has various genres of music in it - but does tend to give it a pop spin to the covers. And I love 'Glee'. This show opened the doors show me that pop music has become strong again - and I am more than happy with accepting it.

Although, I would love to see Steps reunite. I still hope for a reunion - even 9 years after that fateful day.

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Grieving our exit from the World Cup?

For those who have been pinning their hopes on England in the World Cup this year and are going through the stages of mourning for the knockout of our team. Don't fret - I have done some research into the stages of grief (but changed slightly to make it relevant to the World Cup)...

1. Denial. "This can't be happening now, we had such a great team" This is merely a defence, which will be temporary.

2. Anger. "Who is to blame for this atrocity?! Fabio!! David James!! The referee!! Sepp Blatter!!" Denial cannot continue...therefore, anger comes in, and it's difficult to care for people in this stage.

3. Bargaining. "Just let me live to see England win the World Cup" This is where anger fades, and bargaining with life continues. Winning the World Cup is not the be all and end all.

4. Depression. "I'm so sad. Why bother doing anything? England aren't in it any more, I may as well remove all the England flags from my windows and sit feeling rubbish."

5. Acceptance. "It's going to be ok - we have another shot in 2014"

This could take a matter of days to get through, a week, a month? Who knows. But, I have found something that could divert your attention and pass all these stages.

1. Wimbledon.

A tournament that is exhilarating, fast paced, not distorted with vuvuzelas, wonderful sportsmanship and over in two weeks. The players are paid for their individual work, if they are rubbish, they earn less - bring so much more competition into it.

Venus Williams is out of Wimbledon! Maria Sharapova is out of Wimbledon. Kim Clijsters is out of Wimbledon - and that's just the women! For one, Isner vs Mahut - fifth set at 70-68 games. Lleyton Hewitt - out. Roger Federer - has struggled. Rafael Nadal - has struggled. Novak Djokovic - doing well! Andy Murray - doing very well! It's all to play for! It's fabulous. England lost on Sunday - and my "grief" lasted until Monday morning, when Wimbledon started again. I can watch all day - and do. I'm so happy Wimbledon is every year, makes my summer brighter.

Friday, 25 June 2010

Brad Paisley: Global Superstar in the making

Brad Paisley has all he needs to be a global superstar - he's way more talented than Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber put together (yet he seemingly can't conquer England). This is because Taylor and Justin have both filled gaps in the market - a female and male singer whom 15 year old girls can either relate to, or swoon over. There is a gap in the market for Brad, but it's a gap that no one knows about.

Brad has a huge amount of talent, and can give any guitarist a run for his money - Brian May? I've love to see a guitar battle between these guys, because in terms of speed - Brad has it covered. I've been looking on youtube at Brian May videos, and looked at ones deemed "the best solos" by him...and I watched them, and they bored me. Brian May is an incredible guitarist yes, and he can play solos for 10 minutes or so...but focussing on his hands, he's not doing much with them. It's just with those notes and a great guitar, it sounds incredible. Brad Paisley, however, has a great guitar, and can move his fingers faster up and down the neck of the guitar and show his, in my opinion, superior talent in his playing. It's all his own work, and can perform a whole setlist with 5 minute solos in each song without a break...that is talent!

I've been properly into country music for about 6 years now...and watched every Country Music Association award (CMAs) night since then. Brad has been winning something every year, and the award becoming bigger and bigger...and keeps winning 'Male Vocalist of the Year'. This is great news...but Brad has yet to win the biggest prize, 'Entertainer of the Year'.

Taylor Swift was relatively unknown back in 2007 when I saw her at the one in the UK had heard of her - and even mentioned her the next day to my friend who was like, "County music? Nah...won't listen to that" - but now, 3 years on...this same friend is a big fan of Taylor. Taylor Swift has recently won the coveted, Entertainer of the Year...despite only having been in the "business" for 3 years. Brad has been in the business for about 10...and still not clinched it...why?

Because he hasn't conquered a country other than North America (and Canada). BUT, as I discovered yesterday - he may well be in for a chance at the Entertainer of the Year award due to his sold out tours in England and Norway. SOLD OUT. Brad has many a fan in England, which was recognisable yesterday - and his show was just astounding. I have now seen both Taylor Swift and Brad Paisley in concert, and Brad Paisley was certainly the most talented and the most enjoyable.

Taylor Swift had a huge venue...lots of lights, videos, costume changes, extra dancers...etc etc....and it was a great watch. But, as I learnt from's called "theatricality". Hiding the fact that when it boils down to it, the musician themselves couldn't perform a whole setlist without it getting boring. Now, I'd love to see Taylor in an acoustic session in a smaller venue - singing herself...I like her sound without the synthesisers. However, unfortunately, theatricality is what sells. Taylor also had Justin Bieber supporting her...which wasn't all bad...I've recently gotten into Justin and do like his music. But, that's going off the point - he got the crowd going...he got the screaming girls screaming more...he got the crowd pumping. Then Taylor popped up on a video...and then came on to a mega pumped up crowd.

Brad Paisley had a smaller venue...a few lights, no videos, one change of his shirt when it got sweaty, his band, and a range of guitars to properly showcase his talent. It was great...despite the small venue, I really felt the amazing atmosphere of proper fans of proper talent, as opposed to the 12 year olds at the Taylor concert. I loved the Taylor concert, I really did, but I have never attended a concert in which the main element of it was the performer and their talent. And it blew me away last night. And Brad had no supporting acts, risky? Yes. But the moment the beginning of 'American Saturday Night' started playing...the whole audience were pumped and joining in with the song. That is what great music can do...all you have to do is hear the music, and you're pumped. Again, I love Taylor's music I really do and I loved her concert, but thinking back - the whole event was big and flashy which surrounded Taylor's music.

I really hope Brad wins Entertainer of the Year. He's now got his eyes on reaching England, and will be coming back next year for another tour - which I shall be attending, no doubt. He's funny, he can get along with the audience...he can have a laugh with people, he can have a laugh at himself - there was just a sense of such humility last night...he knows he's talented, but doesn't know how talented, and doesn't understand how he has fans over here...but as he does, he did his utmost to enjoy himself, and in turn, made us enjoy ourselves no end. It was just great...

If you ever get the chance to see him, go. Don't just put him under the same umbrella as "country music". I know the stereotype that country music gets...and it's changed remarkably since that stereotype was made. Yes, he wears a stetson and has a great southern drall when he talks...but his music is genius, the lyrics are great and the whole shabang just works and when he gets his guitar out, you know he can provide a night to remember.

Wednesday, 23 June 2010


Films are just fabulous, aren't they?

You can spend 2 hours or so in another land, world, time...and relax, cry, laugh, stress out, cheer, clap, and experience all sorts of emotions with people you've never personally met, but you feel you know them inside out.

These are my films in my collection, with my rating of them out of 5 - dated 23rd June 2010.

* Rubbish
** Watchable rubbish
*** It's alright.
**** It's pretty darn good
***** Wow! What a film...let's watch it again!

Atonement **
- bought it out of interest. Well directed, but story flopped.

Australia ***
- went to see this at the cinema. I enjoyed it for the storyline, but was a bit long.

Batman Begins ****
- love this film, but I watched the sequel first...which explains why only 4 stars...Dark Knight is too good!

Beowulf and Grendel *
- suggested by a few friends of mine (I think to try and get me to kick my Gerard Butler habit) - didn't stop it, but did show me that he has been in some seriously bad films!

Blood Diamond ****
- I've only seen this once, but it takes a lot out of you to watch this. Yeah, it's good though!

Bourne Identity ****(*)
- this film is really good. But does it qualify for 5 stars? Can I find anything wrong with it in my mind? Nope - I'm adding a star!

Brothers Grimm *
- bad, just bad.

Butterfly on a Wheel ***
- bought it because Gerard Butler was in it. It's alright, I guess. Has an interesting twist at the end!

Cars *****
- my favourite Pixar film of all time!

Casino Royale *****
- I was sceptical about Bond...always had been. But Daniel Craig was able to introduce some new fans to the me!

Changeling ****
- it's so hard to give this film a 5 stars - mainly because it's very emotionally draining...and couldn't watch it again and again! But it is a great film...Clint Eastwood does a brilliant job directing Angelina Jolie.

Chicago ***
- it's fun to sing along to!

Chronicles of Narnia - the original BBC ones! *****
- does it have bad actors? Yes Does it have awful puppetry and computer graphics? Yes - But despite these, I love them so much. There's a brilliant original quality about them. I grew up with them...on VHS, and watched them every Sunday after dinner. I just can't stop loving the story.

Cold Mountain ****
- same problem with this film as 'Changeling'. It's very draining! I love Renee Zellweger in this, and there's something about Jude Law and Nicole Kidman, which I love. Usually, I wouldn't - but they had this great chemistry despite spending most of the film apart. It's a difficult watch.

Count of Monte Cristo *****
- one of my favourite films of all time (although, I have a few of these!) Just brilliant.

Coyote Ugly *****
- (now these are MY ratings, :D) I love this film, the songs are just great. The script is awful...but love it anyway! And the LeAnn Rimes cameo at the favourite part. Oh, and one of my favourite actresses is in it, Maria Bello.

Crocodile Dundee II ***
- Crocodile Dundee has something that I just get drawn to....not sure what it is. But I love watching this film.

CSI: Grave Danger *****
- ok, not a film...but Quentin Tarantino directed these two episodes of CSI for the season 5 finale. And it's the best episode I've ever seen.

Dark Knight *****
- ding ding ding!!! It's great. Period.

Day after Tomorrow ***
- unbelievable, and to watch on a hot day. It makes me feel cold. But I like the relationship between Jake Gyllenhaal and Dennis Quaid, and Jake's relationship with Emmy Rossum. Can't beat it.

Dear Frankie *****
- very under the radar film. Watch this. Seriously. It won't disappoint.

Definitely Maybe **
- chick flick. It's good for a girls' night in - but not one of the best films to watch.

Dirty Dancing ***
- the soundtrack is brilliant! The dancing is great. The classic water jumping scene is great. And 'Nobody puts Baby in the corner' - sigh.

Disturbia **
- if you want a thrill, watch it. If you want to watch a greatly scripted film, don't.

Dodgeball ***
- now, I'm usually not one for "comedies". But this one, is fab. Has me in stitches!

Duchess ****
- great film...hard watch.

Dreamgirls n/a
- bought it...still haven't watched it!

Edward Scissorhands ***
- yeah, I used to like it loads...but not so much of a fan anymore. Depressing as.

Election *
- dodgy, dodgy, dodgy.

Emperor's New Groove *****
- fantastic fantastic fantastic! VERY quotable.

Enchanted ***
- it's Disney spoofing itself. It's very funny, and happy! Watch this.

Erin Brockovich *****
- this is brilliant. Language is frequent, but the storyline is just incredible.

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer **
- it's a fun watch. Not sure why I don't have the first - might have to buy it.

Father of the Bride ***
- ohhhh....this film brightens my day!

Father of the Bride 2 ***/*
- it's better than the first in some aspects...but not really a 4!

Fight Club *****
- great film. Can't explain why...far too complicated!

Flicka ***
- cute film. If I need to feel better - I'll put this on. Works like a charm!

Flight of the Phoenix **
- it's okaaay. It's definitely watchable - at least give it one watch.

Flightplan ***
- made me wary of anyone who is nice to me on a plane.

Flint Street Nativity ****
- this is hilarious. Seriously, please watch this. There are several quality British actors who do a nativity and all the sets are huge to make them look like they're kids. And it plays off all the funny stuff that kids do in nativities!

Freedom Writers ****
- great film, based on a true story! Got to be worth a watch...and has Hilary Swank in it, she's fab.

Friday Night Lights **
- I'm not a fan....but could understand if someone else would.

GI Jane ***
- not GI Joe. GI Jane - about a lady (Demi Moore) who wants to be a Navy Seal...and of course, faces all the opposition.

Gladiator *****
- one of the greatest films made ever!

Gone in 60 Seconds ***
- pretty good for a general watch!

Grease ***
- want a singalong? Perfect!

Hercules ****
- want a singalong? Even more perfect!

He's Just Not That Into You **
- this film confused girls as it shows us an entire new angle of what guys think about girls...but throws into the mix, but those guys may be an exception. So, we're still confused about how a guys mind works.

Hidalgo ***
- you need to be a certain type of person to watch this, and enjoy it. You need to enjoy a slower pace of's not all action, there is action...but not much of it. You need to be able to enjoy a film without huge stars in it...and you need to feel sympathy between a man and his horse.

High School Musical ***
- I love this film.

High School Musical 3 ****
- hated the 2nd one. Loved the 3rd!

Holiday ****
- this is a cute little film. Definitely one to watch!

Home Alone ***
- Kevin McAllister was my hero when I was younger. He gave me the courage to believe I too could defend the house! Until the tree outside tapped against the window...

Home Alone 2 ***
- still my hero. Even if I get lost, have fun! Then I got lost in Wilkos, and cried.

Homeward Bound ****
- this is such a beautiful film. Makes me weep.

Hope Floats *****
- classic favourite of my mum and I. Dancing scene is awesome! Really love it.

Indiana Jones 3 ****
- not a fan of the 1st, or 2nd overly. And 4th - what 4th? The real Indiana Jones finished at this one! The best one!

Inglourious Basterds ***
- totally inaccurate - but still quite a good watch.

Inside Man ***
- this could have been a lot bigger than it was. Idea was, not so much.

Interpreter ****
- very interesting film premise. Very well done!

Jerry Maguire ***
- 'Show me the money' and the cutest little kid ever!

Just Like Heaven **
- it's cute, I'll give you that. Reese Witherspoon is always great to watch.

Karate Kid I,II,III,IV ***
- overall, I'll give it 3. The first is great...and the rest came in the collection.

King Arthur **
- umm yeah.

Knight's Tale ****
- fabulous!

Ladder 49 ****
- want a great film? want a good cry? Watch this. Joaquin Phoenix's under the radar films...but it is really well done.

Lake House ***
- reuniting Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock was always going to be great!

Last Samurai ****
- this film, I didn't think I'd like. But I really really did.

Law Abiding Citizen ****
- mega gory, yes, for the beginning. Hard to watch, yes, at the beginning. But really clever.

LeAnn Rimes Complete DVD Collection *****
- I love LeAnn Rimes...simple as.

Legally Blonde ****
- one of the better chick flicks available! Absolutely great...makes me laugh time after time.

Lion King *****
- my favourite Disney film of all time.

Lorna Doorne ****
- brilliantly directed. Yes, it is long and often slow. But keep watching...if you get into it, it'll be awesome!

Lord of the Rings: Return of the King *****
- another favourite of mine. The extended edition too. I love the Mouth of Sauron!

Right...I'm gonna finish here for now. These are my films from A-L...stay tuned for the next installment, when I can be bothered!

Thursday, 17 June 2010

'Knowing God'

I've recently started reading this book by J.I Packer called 'Knowing God'. This has been such a challenging book, and I've not even finished it yet. I'm looking forward to reading the rest, and applying the challenges to my walk with God.

I began reading this book at Girls Reading Week at uni, and we read and discussed the first 6 chapters in detail -- and each discussion revealed a whole new level that I had never thought about with careful consideration. Why my parents steered me clear from certain things -- so I grew up with knowing to keep myself clear of those things -- but only after reading this book, I was able to understand why. And it's so important for a Christian not just to know things in their head, but in their heart.

Packer relates to these issues...and discusses them using biblical each person who reads it, can see where he's coming from. This is good because he doesn't sound more superior, but rather, he has experienced the challenges we, and I, have faced and wants to share his knowledge on the subject with other Christians to help them through, and to make us think seriously about how we are walking with God.

This book needs to be done in bitesize would be too much to try and read more than 2 chapters in one sitting. It's mindblowing when you are reminded of the whole awesomeness of God! And when I read it, I often mind myself thinking do I pray with that realisation? Do I thank God day by day? Do I come to Him with my worries and concerns? Knowing that they are nothing compared to him? He wants to know us...and we should have the desire to want to know Him. Not just know of Him, but know Him - personally.

There is another chapter which speaks of head and heart knowledge. I often misconstrue these, and they are often mixed up in my life. Head knowledge is fine...but using that head knowledge to make myself seem more worthy - is just sinful. I am no more worthy because I have read another book, or know where books of the Bible are. God loves us equally...nothing we can do can earn more of God's love, we are already accepted! We cannot be more accepted! We cannot be more loved. And nothing we do can make God love us any less. I need to remind myself, or be reminded of this wonderful truth each day...because I quickly forget, and stumble into a life without talking to friend! The best friend I could have! Always here with me...even when I stumble so I can learn to rely on his strength, not mine.

His unending mercy, grace and love is astounding...

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

MTV Movie Awards

I'm watching at the moment...thought I'd give my thoughts on the winners tonight.

Twilight seem to have won big. Robert Pattinson won Best Male Performance and Global Superstar, and him and Kristin Stewart won the best kiss. It's voted by the public...which explains a lot.

For best male lead, I would have gone for Zac Efron. You probably bow your head and sigh. BUT, the other nominees being Taylor Lautner, Channing Tatum and Daniel Radcliffe - I had a point! 17 Again is not the best film in the world - but it tugs at my heart strings. Twilight does not. Harry Potter does not. Dear John nearly did - but failed. Therefore, Zac should have won in my opinion.

Biggest Badass? Winner - Rain. Never heard of him! But my vote was with Sam Worthington in 'Clash of the Titans' - if you're into Greek mythology and's a safe bet, you'll like this film. I did, and really enjoyed Sam's performance as Perseus. Reminded me of Leonidas from '300' in terms of the badassness! And Gerard Butler, for the record, won Biggest Badass a few years ago!

Best Kiss? Eeeerrrmmm...I didn't have a "favourite". But none would have competed against the winning kiss from 'The Notebook' - and none would have competed against Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams acceptance kiss.

Best Villain? Should have gone to Christoph Waltz - he was fantastic. Tom Felton has nothing going compared to CW.

Best Fight? Hugh vs Ryan vs Liev - one of the best fights in recent history I feel. I loved it. You can tell that teenage guys had a big influence on this vote as the best fight were between two women, Beyonce and Ali Larter. I like them both, but a thanks.

Best WTF moment? (I don't come up with these titles!) I actually agreed with...the naked guy jumping out of the trunk in 'The Hangover' sure made me think, 'What??' - with no expletives.

Best Scared as *** Performance? Yep...Amanda Seyfried in 'Jennifer's Body' - did a good job. Not a big award, so not that fussed really.

Best Comedic Performance? I'm not a huge fan of no one from the Hangover had my vote...neither did Ben Stiller. This leaves Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock - easy one...Sandra should have won.

Best Female Performance? Kristin Stewart - are you trippin'? Sandra Bullock won the Oscar for 'The Blind Side' - so clearly we know who actually is better. Sandra all the way.

Best Breakout Star? I don't mind.

Best Movie? This was fairly easy to predict the result...Twilight won. Of course it, let's look at quality and the winner should have been...*looks at nominees*'s slim pickings...but probably would have voted 'Avatar' - wasn't a huge fan of the story, but loved the CGI, which is more than what I can say about Twilight.

I have to wonder whether during the voting process, the millions of people who voted actually read the categories and nominees before voting. Or did they just hold Ctrl and F, typed in 'Twilight' and tick every box? This is what bothers me about the public voting - it's fickle. It's not about the quality of your performance, but about the current hype you have - to be honest, it's the only way Twilight has ever won anything! That does amuse me.

But, the highlight of the night has got to be Sandra Bullock winning the MTV Generation Award. Her first appearance since her split with husband, Jesse James. She is on the top of her game. She has had more than 20 years of experience in the movie industry - and she has always been quality. The montage they showed included some of my favourite films, Hope Floats, 28 Days, and While You Were Sleeping...and brought a huge smile to my face. When she accepted the award, she was given a standing ovation - and I brought that honour into my lounge when I got up and clapped. Even with all her amazingness - she is amazingly humble. She is back - no matter what the papers say - she is back and raring to go and I cannot wait until her next release.


I am sat at home...


I'm looking for a job...I'm waiting for my trip to Romania...and my friends are not around.

You cannot begin to understand how slow these past two days have been.

I left Preston -- and seem to have left my social life there too -- there is nothing that goes on in Rugby. And if there is, I need my parents to drive me there. I lose my independence when I come home. I love coming home, I do - but having such a life that I lead in Preston, then leaving it for one that consists of waking up, walking the dog, eat, not fun.

I have often questioned why I watch as much TV as I's because there is seriously nothing else to do. At uni, I watch the odd programme here and there - but only the ones I really want to watch...that's because I can go out and hang out with, I can't. I find my solace in watching repeated episodes of Friends that I have seen about four times in the past month...and the MTV Movie Awards. Yeah, it's bad - I hope I get a job soon...or, I'll be even more bored than now...and that's tough.

Please entertain me somehow - send me an email, phone or text me. I appreciate my friends so bring so much happiness to my life, you have no idea how much you mean to me.

Right, best be off to bed...hopefully I'll be offered a job tomorrow! Please pray that I would...thank you!

Monday, 31 May 2010

Eurovision's official, we suck.

Our bright hope, Josh...whoever...wasn't very good last night. We lost. It's embarrassing how we can lose to such Eurotrash. Now, I loved the Belgian entry and had a soft spot for the Romanian entry - this came in 6th and 3rd place, respectfully.

The UK have won 5 times at Eurovision...I often have to wonder *how*. Were we so much better back then? With Buck's Fizz - yes!! With Cliff Richard - no. So, it's debatable.

Is Eurovision political?

Is the Pope Catholic???

Yes, highly! No one likes the UK since we're being so uncooperative with the rest of Europe...if we changed to the Euro and pull out of Afghanistan...I reckon we'd get a lot more points. I like the Pound Sterling though - so I'm perfectly happy to lose if we get to keep it!! And also, keeping something so iconical is brilliant...and I like changing currencies going to different countries...having the Euro here would make going to the EU boring as in that respect.

You may ask, if the UK are always losing Eurovision and everybody hates us...why are we still in the competition? Simple answer...we pour money into it - they need our input in order to run! Therefore, we automatically qualify. They hate us, but love our money.

Ok Ok...I'm going to leave the political and economical climate right now and go with...

Graham Norton...

Now, I like Graham Norton...but love Terry Wogan. He's so funny...and Graham tried, and was funny...but he just doesn't have the edge that Terry had! And why did Terry leave? Because Eurovision was too political! The EU has managed to be ridiculous for decades...and to be honest, I think they were jealous of us watching Eurovision and laughing at the acts with Terry...and not caring whether we, now they've indirectly removed Terry...are you happy now Europe?

Don't get me wrong. I LOVE Europe...I do. But this event is just very close to my heart (or a recent event anyway)...and the politics does not do Europe justice. It's beautiful, but the political hypocrisy is just shameful.

Onto next year anyway, for more fun and games. Will we beat 10 points? Or do worse? Predictions here! I think we'll beat it next year, but not by much. Any thoughts?

Sunday, 30 May 2010

Lacking in Creativity and Originality

I am currently lacking in creativity and originality right now...if you have any topics you'd like me to talk about...feel free to let me know!

For instance, at some point in the past...Miriam Ford suggested me write about ninjas which I hastily did. Then, Grace Miller suggested I write about Perudo and Gerard Butler...which I did.

Now, I'm open for ideas. Seriously, anything to save me from my boredom.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Would you like a hot drink?

The answer?

Yes, please.

I love a nice hot drink now and then.

For years and years, I'd only ever have hot chocolate as my hot drink...this was seen as unusual, but it made me unique. Last May, I tried tea for the first time. It is now my staple hot drink, and I no longer have that specific uniqueness in that area of my life. Sad times.

BUT! This tea phase of my life has begun...and it means now I can accept offers of tea, cream teas, afternoon teas, and feel part of it!

Another fun thing I can do is that if someone offers you a drink, I can hold my hands up in the shape of a 'T' and people will chuckle, and know juuuust what I'm requesting. The only problem comes when they ask about sugar and milk...hmm...maybe I should think of a sign.

Drinking tea makes me feel more like an adult too...I am being a sheep, COMPLETELY. This is what adults do, therefore, I now feel more like an adult.

The pros and cons of drinking tea, eh. Who'd have thought it would this complex?

Oh well...I'm over it. Right, off to put the kettle on...would you like a hot drink?

Tuesday, 4 May 2010


Communication has expanded recently, it's hard not to notice. What with facebook, msn, Skype, to name but a few.

Despite the masses saying that online communication removes elements from a relationship. Sometimes you seem to find you will start appreciating those removals.

In life, I have met people who often say things that make you feel so small and inferior, and that I don't really have the right to say anything - because whatever I say will be ridiculed. And it what can you do?

Not much if you don't like person to person confrontation...but using online communications can help straighten out problems and get across everything you want to say. However, this is awkward but removes the chance of a heated direct you can think of what to say, and then type. Whereas person to person you can say things which can frequently be taken the wrong way. People are all different...some can take comments, others can't. Some people can take comments from certain people, some people can only take certain comments from people. See what I'm getting at?

For example...

I can give comments and take them just as much...but sometimes there is a line. Constant criticism is past the line. I can cope with some criticism, who can't? But imagine being criticised for pretty much everything. Food habits, general life habits, and things you do that are different, not wrong but different. So, everything you hold dear is criticised. This is past the line. Once this is past, I feel small, insecure, rubbish...and I don't talk much because I know that anything will be criticised. This doesn't happen regularly, thankfully - but often people have to stand back and think have I been getting on this person's back an awful lot recently? If the answer is yes...then reconsider ridiculing them for the next little thing...

I love this song...

Is there a plank in your eye,
Big enough to walk on,
Big enough to build a ship,
Or even build a bonfire.

Don't point your brother and say 'Hey!',
You're doing it the wrong way hey hey,
Your own life is far from ok,
Don't point at the speck in your brother's eye when there's a whopping great plank in your own.

The actions are fabulous, and it has a great message. Before helping your brother with his problem, sort your own problems out...then you can help him properly without anything getting in your way! Isn't that great?!

I know I can be just as bad...but writing this blog right now really reminds me to take a step back and apologise for any rudeness. Sorry!

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Life...Past, Present and Future.

I always log into my blog thinking I'll have something incredible to write about that will have people interested in what I have to say by the masses. However, as soon as I get onto the new post bit and it says 'Title:' - I'm stuck for words. I don't know what I want to talk about! There's so much...but I never quite know how to put it into words.

I'll begin with saying that I'm on my Easter break. I've been at home for just over seven days now...and it feels like I've done a years worth of stuff in it! Last weekend I was able to see some of my friends from Romania - which was amazing, and we hung out and had I stayed with them for the night where we watched 'Sister Act'. The night was really good - and I loved being able to talk to them again...they're really great people.

Then since Monday, I've been helping out at my church's Holiday Bible Club. It's such a great opportunity to be able to freely tell children about the gospel of Jesus - but it is tiring work. Up at 7.30am...then a fun filled morning until around 1pm. You can't imagine how much you can do within this time unless you've experienced it yourself. It's really good to be able to talk to the kids about Jesus, and getting to know a couple of the kids so I'm hoping I'll be able to talk to them a bit more tomorrow!

After the stories, songs (I'm in the HBC band), quizzes, challenges, games, challenge sheets and're tired, but it never kicks in until the night. It's incredible how God has been keeping us strong!! We can't do it by ourselves, I'd be a complete wreck...but relying on God's strength means I can wake up each morning (not necessarily quickly or with a big glistening smile on my face!) and get into what I'm waking up early teach these kids about God, and it's all for His glory! Brilliant...

There are moments of silliness...a hair gel challenge. I was the judge who had to judge my friends who had just had their hair restyled by the kids. Yeah...I should have known what the aftermath would be. I strolled into the corridor and got jumped by the hair gel crew. We had a brief spell of immaturity, before realising, this is going to set soon and we're about to go to the cinema. SHAMPOO? ANYONE!

There is a tradition of silliness...and I'm quite glad it came out. Another tradition that we have is that on the Wednesday of HBC week, we go the cinema. 'Clash of the Titans' was this year's film. Considering I hadn't a clue what it was about, it was a 12, and with it's given name - I wasn't expecting much. But I loved it! It was about Perseus - and if you know your Greek mythology, you'll know what's to come...but the film exceeded my initial expectations with flying colours. The cast was incredible. Liam Neeson - need I say more? Yes...Ralph Fiennes. Two amazing men.

This was with my church friends. Away from this, I went out with my friends from school on Tuesday evening for some drinks and then to play pool. Girls won again...2-0. The boys have never defeated us completely, they've won battles but we've always won the overall war! And with my family, well mum, we went to the cinema tonight to try and see 'Dear John'...turns out it's not out til next week. So we opted to see 'How to Train Your Dragon'. Again, my expectations were low - having not been to see an animation in ages. But, it was quite entertaining...not my favourite animation...but certainly a good watch. It had a good voice cast, Gerard Butler provided the voice of Stoick, the top Viking leader guy...I wasn't so impressed with his looks in this though...but his voice was still definitely worth listening to. His emotion really shone through, especially at the end. He had proved himself in the animation area as well...which means his range is increasing...and at a fast rate.

So, this was all within a week. Now, what's to come?

Tomorrow, up again at 7.30 - and HBC again! With all the shananigans included I shouldn't wonder - I know one thing which is happening...mwahaha. Then we're going out to lunch later on (and rumour has it the people have a pool...and HBC haven't had a traditional water fight in 2 years...maybe it'll make it's comeback tomorrow?). Then I'll be waiting round for 7.30pm, where I shall be going to a planning meeting for the Romania trip in July/August. I can't wait for this - 14 days!!! Beats the 10 days we did last year -- because it's 4 more days there!! I'll be playing guitar there, so we'll be picking songs soon. Aaaand, dramas...I love dramas, can't act for toffee...but meh...I don't mind...we'll be planning those too. :o) I always played a bad guy last year...oh, and a random person being held down by my sins. Dramas are really good to portray a message...especially across a language barrier. You don't need to speak the language...your actions provide everything! We have this ability - God is amazingly great!

Then over the weekend, more HBC events! Fancy dress, and games. Then the Sunday morning event...pray that parents would come along with their that they too would hear the gospel too. I pray that God would prepare their hearts. It's another opportunity we have to share our lives with these non-believers, so we shouldn't be careless to waste it but remembering it's for God's glory not our own.

That'll be it to sum up the last 7 days and the upcoming 3 days. After that, I'll be at home for another week working on my last assignment. It's quite a change! But I'll be appreciating the extra sleep, I can imagine!

Ciao for now dear void.

Saturday, 3 April 2010

Good Friday

Jesus' death and the purpose behind it is significant and relevant to me every day of my life...but sometimes I forget how significant it is, and I am reminded of it each year around this weekend. I should look to Jesus every day and thank him for the wonderful gift of life he gave me, but I often stumble and forget. Yet, God still loves me! I often wonder why...but in his great love and mercy, he saved me - and the chance of this amazing relationship was made through Jesus' death - and his death, a horrific, violent, and seen by many as a shameful what is known as Good Friday? Some have asked me why it's called 'Good'...surely an execution would be 'Bad'...and yes, an execution is horrible to think about. But on this day of Jesus' execution, it was *our* sins on Jesus' shoulders as he hung on the cross...not his own.

It is Good Friday, because Jesus took our sins from us...and our sins are punishable by death, that was the price that had to be paid. Jesus died for me.

I heard an story once about two brothers. One brother was a liar, a thief and frequently rioted in the town. His older brother had a completely clean rap sheet, wore smart clothes, and was respected by many in the town. The younger brother had been arrested after being caught rioting, and he was thrown into prison awaiting his trial - over his life, his clothes had become worn and torn, and he had become dirty from being in a grim cell. When his trial date came, he was sentenced to death by hanging for his crimes. The brother was able to escape...and he ran to his older brother's house -with the police close behind him. He had heard about his younger brother's death sentence, and saw him approaching the house. The brother came out of his house and looked at his sibling. He quickly told his brother to take his clean shirt, and give him his dirty shirt, and to go and hide in his house, and that he would sort everything out. His brother ran into the house, trusting his older brother to help. The older brother who remained outside put on his brother's dirty shirt, messed his hair up, and wiped dirt and mud over himself, and smeared mud on his face. The police soon came to the house, and took the older brother away. After a day, the younger brother had heard nothing so came out of the house and walked through the town. It was quiet, and not many people were around. He continued walking through, until he came to the town gallows, where he looked up and saw his brother hanging there on the gallows. The younger brother fell to his knees, and wept. He rushed to the police station and told them of the mistake and demanded they hang him, the true criminal. The police told him that the price had been paid...and that he could go free.

This story helped me understand exactly what Jesus had done for me...I felt guilty, and convicted. But I knew that Jesus had died for me - like the older brother...he was perfect, had never sinned, yet he took our sins and our dirty clothes and wore them for himself and took our place. He did not say "I told you so" or "Sorry, can't help you there" - no, he took our sins without hesistation and died for us. He went through Hell for us...for me, for you.

The reason why we are free today is because of Jesus' death...when Jesus was resurrected from the dead, he conquered death! He restored the relationship between us and us the chance to recognise our sins and to come to God for forgiveness, and willing to turn our lives around and live for God. The moment we do this, we have Jesus' white shirt on...and will eternally. The price paid, fully and completely. This is why it is Good Friday!

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Famous Film Nuns

I came to the realisation that film nuns are quite amazing.

The two films that immediately come to mind are 'The Sound of Music' and 'Sister Act'.

Nuns to bring a smile to my face when I see them in films...even if they're not Julie Andrews or have an afro.

Surely films like this really made society respect nuns for what they do. Given, they probably don't sing or perform like this...but in 'Sister Act' they help the community, they help the homeless, and hopeless. Films like this should be made more often...but they're not. Where have these timeless classics gone?

Same as 'The Sound of Music' - Julie Andrews as a the beginning anyway. Showed nuns in a completely different light - again, they were respected for what they did for the community, and for children!

Maybe films like this have contributed to why people now respect nuns so much? I don't know...just a thought!

Valentine's Day

Let's just firstly get this out of the way - I love romcoms...they're one of my favourite genres - but just because the film is, does not necessary mean I will instantly fall in love with it. However, this film...had just the right amount of charm, twist, romanticism, and general loveliness for me to fall head over heels for it.

The cast is outstanding. I haven't seen this sort of casting since...'Love Actually'...and in terms of what the papers say that it's the American version of 'Love Actually'. Casting wise...yes it is. Story where near. I actually preferred this much more to 'Love Actually'...maybe it was because it didn't have an unnecessary amount of sex scenes in it, or maybe it was just Hugh Grant wasn't in it...either way, I loved this film much more.

Some of the brilliant cast included Julia Roberts, Bradley Cooper, Jessica Biel, Jessica Alba, Taylor Lautner, Taylor Swift, Patrick Dempsey, Anne Hathaway, Topher Grace, Queen Latifah, Jennifer Garner and Jamie Foxx among many many others. All the characters are linked somehow...much like 6 degrees of separation, and it's amazing how well they were connected.

Ok, some of the storylines were there to lighten the mood for example Taylor Lautner and Taylor Swift's. It was a story of two high school sweethearts, and they're both just very ditsy, and I loved it. But on the other hand, there were examples of how we can often be blinded by the bigger picture when it comes to love.

Ashton Kutcher's character had a really good story behind it, and he connected loads of characters together. He plays Reed, a local florist, and of course on Valentine's Day - he has lots of business, and he's a very romantic chap. He goes on a romantic rollercoaster for 24 hours...and it's heartbreaking, but it's a romcom - of course it's going to be happy in the end!

There are unexpected twists, you can tell you're not the only one when the cinema behind you are gasping or 'Awwww'ing, or even weeping. I wept tears of joy at the end of this film...and I rarely do this. With sad films, yes I cry at most. But happy endings? Rarely...but this film just got to me!

Julia Roberts played an unusual character in this for her...but she pulled it off. She's a soldier in the army who is returning home for a night, before going on her next tour. I would never have put Julia in this role, but full credit to the casting directors - it really worked. She's so down to earth, despite being one of the most famous people in the world...and this always shines through in her performances. Just magnificent.

I would never have expected Jamie Foxx to have been in this kind of film. From what I've seen him in, he's either in quite dark films like 'Law Abiding Citizen' or just action films like 'Collateral'. So, Jamie Foxx in a romcom? Unusual...yet again, it works! His character represents people who hate the commercialism on Valentine's Day and would much rather people did other things. This film had to have his character in it, otherwise it wouldn't represent Valentine's Day in its fullness. He did a great job.

The characters are great...the script isn't brilliant, but it provides you with enough to fall in love with the right people! The soundtrack is really good, I was loving it all the way through.

The film just deals with everything you could face in a relationship, young or old. And it does get you thinking about how "love" is perceived and changes depending on who you are. From loving your teacher, to the high school jock, to the random guy you met last night, to your husband you met 50 years ago...whatever, it covers it all.

The out-takes at the end are great - watch 'Pretty Woman' before seeing this, and you'll appreciate them even more so!

It certainly won't be to everyone's taste. It's a romcom, and you can't please everybody. But it's a lighthearted and beautiful film...that will make you laugh, cry, and possibly move you to want to buy the DVD...I certainly will in 17 weeks time. Bring it on.