LeAnn Rimes - born on the 28th August 1982 in Jackson, Mississippi.
Best known for - the 'Coyote Ugly' soundtrack.
Now, I love 'Coyote Ugly', don't get me wrong, but LeAnn Rimes has shown much more talent and musical capability in her other albums. However, most people have judged 'Coyote Ugly' and decided their opinion of LeAnn Rimes on that one film...and if the film isn't to their taste, they aren't going to have a high opinion of LeAnn. But that film was just the tip of the iceberg! There's so much more!!
I have three of her albums sitting on my shelf here at uni...and I will briefly tell you about each one - and which songs you should definitely listen to before passing judgement!
Ok the earliest one I have is from 2005 - and is called 'This Woman'. This album has some brilliant songs on it - LeAnn is keeping to her country roots in this...but yet, it has a strange appeal to people who aren't into country...give this video a watch.
This one doesn't show her vocal abilities greatly, but it shows her fun side.
This next song is called 'I Dare You' - and is brilliant...give it a listen. (Note: I haven't a clue what the film is in the background so please ignore!)
There are loads of other songs on this album...but these are my favourites.
Ok...next up, we have the album, 'Whatever We Wanna' - more pop/rock in this one...LeAnn is trying out her luck on slowing moving away from her country roots. It works in a couple of songs...but I much prefer her country music. The song below is called 'And It Feels Like' - now this one, is probably my favourite song by LeAnn Rimes. And watch it all...she's phenomenal!
Absolutely brilliant...however, her other songs on this album are ok...but not amazing.
Finally, we move onto her latest album, 'Family'. Now, on this album - there are loads of brilliant songs. She's gone back to her country slightly, and kept a bit of the pop...and she's made this album. It's the best album she's done! Ok...first song I shall mention is 'Nothin' Better To Do' - very country esk...but still great!
Thank you LeAnn...next one we'll move onto is...'Fight'. Not one of the songs which people would be drawn to first - but it's one of these rare gems.
Absolutely brilliant. Next one on the album is 'Good Friend and a Glass of Wine' and I think that most girls can relate to this...this is what makes it awesome...we can easily relate to some of her songs.
The last one I'll mention is 'What I Cannot Change'...LeAnn wrote this about her own life, and has started a website which encourages people to write their own life stories, and what people have learned to cope with what they cannot change in their lives. For LeAnn, it was her skin condition, psoriasis...and the ongoing damaged relationship between her and her parents.
(I do apologise about the karaoke words on this video - but just listen to it)
Next time you hear someone talking about LeAnn Rimes -- don't automatically assume they are listening to a song from 'Coyote Ugly'...because I've just given you a small selection of some of her amazing other songs which are just ignored - she's very underrated in England, and I hope this short blog has shown you the joys of LeAnn Rimes!