I'm on blogger...and looking around my room for inspiration...and then, I think that explaining some of the items in my room would be quite interesting! So here I begin...
The biggest thing you will see when entering my room is my Romanian flag - which is hanging up on the ceiling. This is the thing that makes me look like a Romanian loyalist...but I can't say I am, I just love the country and the memories it brings me! One day I was in Romania, my excursion around the touristy locations was cut short as one of the kids in camp had injured herself...so we had to return to camp quickly. Some of us had to return then, but some of the others were able to stay -- on their extra couple of hours there, they bought Romanian flags. Upon coming to uni, I decided to get one myself! This explains why I have it!
The coolest item is most definitely my electric blue Fender Squier (aka an electric guitar). I taught myself to play guitar in the summer of 2008 when I had loads of time on my hands...and since then, I have bought myself a pink acoustic guitar (which is also in my room), and this electric. It's amazing to play...
Ok...now, I have a huge blanket...and I mean huge. My grandma made it for me for my 18th birthday...I mean, you have to see it to fully appreciate the grandness of this blanket, as each piece of material was carefully and lovingly sewn on. It's great for wrapping up in when watching a film or when you're feeling cold...and it's currently awaiting a time for me to use it in such a way.
My shoes are quite a feature in my room...you can't miss them. I have quite a few pairs...for all occasions. Wellies, boots, walking boots, boat shoes, sandals, trainers and slippers...just so I cover all the bases. However, they are predominantly autumnal colours...ie, brown, beige and green (ok my only green ones are my wellies). I do need to branch out in terms of colours, but I find brown is such a good shoe colour - you can wear it with pretty much anything!
My DVD collection is sitting on the floor...I think I need to talk about this. These are my DVDs. I decided to start my own collection when I came to the realisation that when I went to uni, I couldn't take the DVDs in the cupboard from home, because they belonged to my parents! Therefore, I began the journey to form this collection. I now have 140 DVDs...of all different genres...actions/thrillers/rom coms/chick flicks/horror/period dramas/epics/Disney...there's something for everyone! And they are all alphabetised...and yes, this does mean that if I buy a DVD beginning with 'C', then I have to move all the DVDs one by one...but it's actually quite fun to do! And in 4 DVDs time, I will need to upsize to a 208 sized DVD wallet! This will be an epic moment...for two reasons...
1. I would have filled an 144 DVD case.
2. I need to take all the DVDs out and put them all into the new wallet...in alphabetical order.
My pictures will be the last thing I'll comment on. I have them everywhere in my room. They are mainly on my warddrobe, but one has made it onto my desk! The one on my desk is of the CU's trip to Alton Towers in May - that was one great day... and to have my friends on a picture with pirates!...who wouldn't have this on their desk?! My other pictures on one side of my wardrobe are of various things from back home...mainly my dog and my friends doing random stuff like going to Alton Towers, having a murder mystery party, the Ben and Jerry's hunt, superhero themed Holidya Bible Club...it's awesome.
The other side of my wardrobe have more recent photos which were all taken this summer. I have pictures from Romania, from beach mission, from the CU Alton Towers trip, the big CU photo, the committee photo from the masquerade ball, my brother, sister and I posing in front of a yacht in Cannes, meeting Lou Fellingham, my whole family posing next to a water fountain in Cannes (it's great because I'm the most tanned out of the lot of them!), and my friends and I eating watermelon - good times!! Both sides of my wardrobe are great...for different reasons!
I do have more stuff in my room, like Febreeze (I love the smell of it), CSI DVDs (great!!) and my Superdry coat...but these materialistic things aren't worth much compared to the pictures of my friends, as they mean so much to me...and I wouldn't be much without each one of them. And these materialistic things will perish...but I am so thankful that God has given everyone the opportunity to be saved, and to not perish. I'm thankful to God for giving me these people to start friendships with, as they encourage me day by day. We are not dead, we are alive and we will all be with Him one day.