Seasons - everyone knows them, everyone experiences's a natural phenomenon.
Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
Each has their ups and their downs - I shall briefly explain about each of them, and conclude once I have weighed up the pros and cons.
Spring --
The first thing that popped into my mind was 'Spring forward' - the clocks change. Again, everyone in England has to change their clocks, one hour forward in springtime. Therefore, bad news people, one hour less in bed. This is a bad thing. And you frequently find on the Sunday morning, fewer people in church - or more people who are late...and you all know why. However, it means we have entered British Summer Time - hooray for summer.
Spring though, has its ups...cute little lambs and birds are born and it's very cute...and you have the Easter Bunny. And trees and foliage begin to grow back, and it's all very seasonal...but it's still cold.
Summer --
Summer is the time of long holidays! Ohhh yeah. This year I had four months of holiday where I did beach mission in Llandudno, a ten day trip to Romania and a week's holiday in France. I loved every week. I enjoyed Romania the most...brilliant times being able to share the gospel with kids over there! Summer therefore, has the appealing factor that I can go to Romania again. the summer, bees and wasps come out. I do not like this. I cannot deal with buzzy things...especially things that can sting. I have been told several times that bees won't sting you unless they feel they are in danger...but there's always a first time that a nasty bee that will decide to change nature's course!
But summer does have better weather, and I get to wear shorts and sandals, and get a tan - oh, and it's my birthday in the summer!
Autumn --
Autumn is the opposite of spring. In the USA, autumn is called 'fall'...and in the rhyme, 'Spring forward, fall back' - therefore we change to Greenwich Mean Time, and we move our clocks back an hour - an extra hour in bed, hooray!
But, leaves begin to fall off trees - it starts getting cold, my shorts are put into hibernation for the rest of the year...this is sad, because my shorts are awesome. However, we get crunchy leaves - this is fun. I love going for walks when the leaves are nice and warms my heart. And bonfire night also falls within autumn - and that brings fireworks.
Winter --
Winter always makes me feel a little sad - it's the furthest time away from my birthday, and in Narnia, the witch brought on winter. However...winter has CHRISTMAS! Need I say more?
Brisk walks with warm coats and hats...and catching snow on your tongue, and slipping on ice - it's all lovely. Wrapped up and sitting by a warm toasty's lovely just thinking about it.
To conclude, each of these seasons have their ups and downs - but I have to say that summer and winter are at the top. Summer probably just wins because the weather is lovely, I have the chance to do missions in new places and it's just fun. Winter comes second because I'm just not a huge fan of the cold...I get a bright red nose...this, I do not find fun. Spring and autumn are lovely...but just not my favourites.
Thursday, 17 September 2009
Perudo and Gerard Butler - An Amazing Combination
Now, first of all, I'm not saying that these two things will be to everyone's taste. But it is to me, so please read on and find out just exactly why...
Perudo was designed in Peru...a long time ago, and made into an official game in 1988 (I did not just wikipedia that, right there.) It's a bluffing game using dice. In a usual set, you have 30 die, and six cups - therefore, six people can play with the five specifically coloured dice which match a specifically coloured cup. Very fun.
It's complicated to explain on a if you wish to find out how to play phone me, facebook me, snail-mail me, text me, whatever...and we shall arrange a time to play. But I shall continue onto why I love it so much, as opposed to, how to play.
I was first taught how to play on my youth club holiday about 3 years ago...*hold please*
-- I have just noticed that Perudo, that was made in Peru, has 'peru' in the title! PERUdo ! --
*and continue* my youth leaders. I immediately loved the game, as did most other people at my youth club. This is a reason why I love it so, apart from loving Jesus, these friends of mine also share something with me, in knowing how to play perudo, and loving it (just not as much as Jesus).
I also love the game because whenever I watch 'Pirates of the Caribbean 2' with my friends, and Orlando and Davey Jones play perudo, I feel pretty cool because I tend to be the only one who says 'I wish I knew what they were playing' - Haha! If only they knew that they were sitting next to a perudo master! Or just someone who has the game, anyway.
Great it!

Next - Gerard Butler...apart from being Scottish and awesome, he's an amazing actor. He plays several types of character, and has avoided being typecast - well done, sir. He has played bad guys...
Attila the Hun, Phantom of the Opera, and Dracula.
and good guys...
Gerry Kennedy, King Leonidas, One Two, Andre Marek
(again, if you want to watch these films...come see me, I have them!)
I first saw him in 'The Phantom of the Opera' in 2006 when I had a long summer holiday - and I loved the film. Some say I only like the film because he's in it - but I loved it long before I became a fan of him...and I didn't love it first time because of his looks, because you can't really see his face in the film. Therefore, I am a genuine fan of this film! It's great...he does play an evil guy, but I feel sorry for him every time I watch it.
I have also met this fine Sept 2008 just before coming to uni. I loved that day! I had a big cheesy grin on my face for days...mainly because,
Gerry (yes, we're on short names terms now) came over and signed loads of pictures for people...he was charming. I complimented him on his work in 'Dear Frankie' (watch it!), and he seemed startled when I mentioned it (I can only assume because all the other girls in the crowd 'love' him in PS: I Love You - they aren't 'true' fans)...'Dear Frankie' was a film that he made before he became famous, and one that he's really proud of, but it's not really recognised by fans...apart from me! Anyway...he thanked me, smiled at me - not just at the crowd, at *me*...and walked away. I looked down and noticed he hadn't signed my picture, so I looked up and said 'Gerry!' - he turned around and looked at me, looked at my picture, and took the time to come back to me to sign my picture, and I thanked him, he said 'You're very welcome', and he smiled at me, again - and then walked away with his personal assistant. That little moment right there was great. I can only imagine what would have happened had his PA not have been there...we would have gotten talking, and who knows, numbers may have been can only imagine.
But yes...he's a great guy, and if we met up, I would first tell him about the gospel...and tell him the great news about Jesus and the sacrifice he paid. Hopefully, he would seek to start his own relationship with God. Then I would teach him perudo...

Perudo was designed in Peru...a long time ago, and made into an official game in 1988 (I did not just wikipedia that, right there.) It's a bluffing game using dice. In a usual set, you have 30 die, and six cups - therefore, six people can play with the five specifically coloured dice which match a specifically coloured cup. Very fun.
It's complicated to explain on a if you wish to find out how to play phone me, facebook me, snail-mail me, text me, whatever...and we shall arrange a time to play. But I shall continue onto why I love it so much, as opposed to, how to play.
I was first taught how to play on my youth club holiday about 3 years ago...*hold please*
-- I have just noticed that Perudo, that was made in Peru, has 'peru' in the title! PERUdo ! --
*and continue* my youth leaders. I immediately loved the game, as did most other people at my youth club. This is a reason why I love it so, apart from loving Jesus, these friends of mine also share something with me, in knowing how to play perudo, and loving it (just not as much as Jesus).
I also love the game because whenever I watch 'Pirates of the Caribbean 2' with my friends, and Orlando and Davey Jones play perudo, I feel pretty cool because I tend to be the only one who says 'I wish I knew what they were playing' - Haha! If only they knew that they were sitting next to a perudo master! Or just someone who has the game, anyway.
Great it!
Next - Gerard Butler...apart from being Scottish and awesome, he's an amazing actor. He plays several types of character, and has avoided being typecast - well done, sir. He has played bad guys...
Attila the Hun, Phantom of the Opera, and Dracula.
and good guys...
Gerry Kennedy, King Leonidas, One Two, Andre Marek
(again, if you want to watch these films...come see me, I have them!)
I first saw him in 'The Phantom of the Opera' in 2006 when I had a long summer holiday - and I loved the film. Some say I only like the film because he's in it - but I loved it long before I became a fan of him...and I didn't love it first time because of his looks, because you can't really see his face in the film. Therefore, I am a genuine fan of this film! It's great...he does play an evil guy, but I feel sorry for him every time I watch it.
I have also met this fine Sept 2008 just before coming to uni. I loved that day! I had a big cheesy grin on my face for days...mainly because,
Gerry (yes, we're on short names terms now) came over and signed loads of pictures for people...he was charming. I complimented him on his work in 'Dear Frankie' (watch it!), and he seemed startled when I mentioned it (I can only assume because all the other girls in the crowd 'love' him in PS: I Love You - they aren't 'true' fans)...'Dear Frankie' was a film that he made before he became famous, and one that he's really proud of, but it's not really recognised by fans...apart from me! Anyway...he thanked me, smiled at me - not just at the crowd, at *me*...and walked away. I looked down and noticed he hadn't signed my picture, so I looked up and said 'Gerry!' - he turned around and looked at me, looked at my picture, and took the time to come back to me to sign my picture, and I thanked him, he said 'You're very welcome', and he smiled at me, again - and then walked away with his personal assistant. That little moment right there was great. I can only imagine what would have happened had his PA not have been there...we would have gotten talking, and who knows, numbers may have been can only imagine.
But yes...he's a great guy, and if we met up, I would first tell him about the gospel...and tell him the great news about Jesus and the sacrifice he paid. Hopefully, he would seek to start his own relationship with God. Then I would teach him perudo...
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
Psalm 121
'1 I lift up my eyes to the hills — where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip — he who watches over you will not slumber;
4 indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The LORD watches over you — the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
7 The LORD will keep you from all harm — he will watch over your life;
8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.'
2 My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip — he who watches over you will not slumber;
4 indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The LORD watches over you — the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
7 The LORD will keep you from all harm — he will watch over your life;
8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.'
As of the 13th August 2009, I either hadn't heard this psalm before...or I hadn't fully appreciated the meaning. But, that all changed on the 13th August around 6am on top of a hill in Romania.
Tabi, one of the Romanian leaders, led a few of us up in the morning to go and watch the sunrise over camp. We were stood at the top looking out over the view of the rolling hills, and beautiful colours, and for one moment, I ignored the so called 'problems' I thought I had in my life, and just cast my gaze over my surroundings. As we were sat waiting...Tabi began to recite this psalm...verses 1-2. Being there and being reminded of who created the beautiful view and who helps us was brilliant to hear...God is our awesome creator!
We returned to the camp, and I kept the psalm in my memory. The view, the people who I was with -- all of whom, God made...and I remain thankful for the trip to Romania. It reminded me of my Lord and Saviour, and the price he paid for me.
A few weeks later, back in England...I went to Forum with my CU committee. We were able to worship together and attend seminars and meetings about God. I went to a seminar about 'Secure in God's saving grace' - and once again, I was reminded of the grace and mercy poured down on all of us...despite our wrongdoings...God loves us! On the last night of worship, the guy leading worship asked us all to stand and read Psalm 121 together. This was great -- the same psalm being read at two separate events in two different countries -- my heart was leaping as I was fully aware of God's grace in that hall and I could recite the verses, as Tabi did, with a smile on my face and a heart overflowing with thankfulness to God.
It was amazing to see how God was working in me through this verse -- and how God was working in both Romania and England! It's completely astounding! :o)
Ninjas - by request of Miriam
I thought I'd do a quick post on Ninjas.
Now, ninjas. They are perceived as I right? I seem to remember loving the Teenage Mutant *Ninja* Turtles...or whatever they are called now. And being a person with stealth, agility, awesome jumping skills, and being loved by millions of children...who wouldn't leap at the chance of being one?
Well...let me think of just one film...'The Last Samurai' - the ninjas attacked the Samurai base, and they pretty much all died at Tom Cruise's hand. They weren't cool in that film...they were evil trying to kill the Samurai leader.
See? I just don't know where my opinion lies anymore.
I guess ninjas are just stereotyped as cool...even though historically, they were quite devious people in battles and espionage. They would disguise, not just in black, but as different people like priests and entertainers -- very devious indeed. You just wouldn't know who to trust!
However, as this 'ninja' word has developed over the lost its true history, and was replaced with people who wear black and can do karate. This is almost spitting in the face of proper ninjas who would train and study for years to become qualified to serve their country. They were seen as having superhuman powers, by being able to 'shapeshift' and splitting into multiple bodies - this illusion shows how great they were at their position.
So even though the people with headbands who can do karate are loved by millions, why are the people who perform illusions and do stunning acrobatics for their work forgotten?
I can't say I've studied Japanese culture in regards to ninjas, maybe they were evil...I can't say. But from my current stance, the word 'ninjas' should not be used so it used to be a term people would have to earn.
Hope you enjoyed my post - Miriam requested it.
Now, ninjas. They are perceived as I right? I seem to remember loving the Teenage Mutant *Ninja* Turtles...or whatever they are called now. And being a person with stealth, agility, awesome jumping skills, and being loved by millions of children...who wouldn't leap at the chance of being one?
Well...let me think of just one film...'The Last Samurai' - the ninjas attacked the Samurai base, and they pretty much all died at Tom Cruise's hand. They weren't cool in that film...they were evil trying to kill the Samurai leader.
See? I just don't know where my opinion lies anymore.
I guess ninjas are just stereotyped as cool...even though historically, they were quite devious people in battles and espionage. They would disguise, not just in black, but as different people like priests and entertainers -- very devious indeed. You just wouldn't know who to trust!
However, as this 'ninja' word has developed over the lost its true history, and was replaced with people who wear black and can do karate. This is almost spitting in the face of proper ninjas who would train and study for years to become qualified to serve their country. They were seen as having superhuman powers, by being able to 'shapeshift' and splitting into multiple bodies - this illusion shows how great they were at their position.
So even though the people with headbands who can do karate are loved by millions, why are the people who perform illusions and do stunning acrobatics for their work forgotten?
I can't say I've studied Japanese culture in regards to ninjas, maybe they were evil...I can't say. But from my current stance, the word 'ninjas' should not be used so it used to be a term people would have to earn.
Hope you enjoyed my post - Miriam requested it.
'Neighbours' - Does It Have The Hmmph To Keep Going?
First and foremost, of course it does. It's been going for over 2 decades...and has surprisingly made it successfully out of the channel change from BBC to Five.
I've been 'into' Neighbours, some would say, for around 10 memories include Toadie being at Erinsborough High with a ponytail, and Susan Kennedy who was the principle who had long hair...and of course, I remember Lance and Hannah getting together, and Billy Kennedy!
Now, Toadie is a successful(ish) lawyer who wears normal clothes and has short hair, and Susan Kinski-Kennedy now has short hair...and is not principle, and to be honest, I don't know what she is now. Lance, Hannah and Billy have all gone. I have since Billy sometimes in 'House'...and often think the only thing left in 'Neighbours' to remind us of Billy is his picture on the wall of the Kennedy house.
The 'Neighbours' writers know how to keep me watching...they'll bring in new characters (who I won't like on first sight), but then somehow, I end up really liking them in some cases. Much like Lucas Fitzgerald and Donna. However, they have been unsuccessful in the cases of the Kinski kids, Sunny, and Callum. Shame really.
I'm still watching the show to this day, and even though the plotlines occasionally suck - I think my memories of the past keep me watching - having that shining hope that it will become what it once was. Libby was always my favourite in the past, and when she was brought back a couple of years ago...I thought that the revival would occur...but it hasn't just yet.
The acting from some of the cast is shocking, and other times quite phenomenal. Sunny is shocking - she'll put an American twang on some words, and an Aussie twang on others - that bugs me no end. The actors who have the ability to make me shed a tear are the phenomal ones - Susan, when she became temporarily blind from her MS and was calling for, that was an emotional episode. And Steph...she's just awesome.
Anyway, that's enough of my talk. Adios.
I've been 'into' Neighbours, some would say, for around 10 memories include Toadie being at Erinsborough High with a ponytail, and Susan Kennedy who was the principle who had long hair...and of course, I remember Lance and Hannah getting together, and Billy Kennedy!
Now, Toadie is a successful(ish) lawyer who wears normal clothes and has short hair, and Susan Kinski-Kennedy now has short hair...and is not principle, and to be honest, I don't know what she is now. Lance, Hannah and Billy have all gone. I have since Billy sometimes in 'House'...and often think the only thing left in 'Neighbours' to remind us of Billy is his picture on the wall of the Kennedy house.
The 'Neighbours' writers know how to keep me watching...they'll bring in new characters (who I won't like on first sight), but then somehow, I end up really liking them in some cases. Much like Lucas Fitzgerald and Donna. However, they have been unsuccessful in the cases of the Kinski kids, Sunny, and Callum. Shame really.
I'm still watching the show to this day, and even though the plotlines occasionally suck - I think my memories of the past keep me watching - having that shining hope that it will become what it once was. Libby was always my favourite in the past, and when she was brought back a couple of years ago...I thought that the revival would occur...but it hasn't just yet.
The acting from some of the cast is shocking, and other times quite phenomenal. Sunny is shocking - she'll put an American twang on some words, and an Aussie twang on others - that bugs me no end. The actors who have the ability to make me shed a tear are the phenomal ones - Susan, when she became temporarily blind from her MS and was calling for, that was an emotional episode. And Steph...she's just awesome.
Anyway, that's enough of my talk. Adios.
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